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Want to climb Everest? Here’s what it costs

QCOSTARICA — Everest, at 8,848 meters (29,028 feet) above sea level, is the highest mountain in the world and an icon of mountaineering.

Its summit has been the dream of countless adventurers since Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay first reached it in 1953.

Costa Rica now has two mountaineers to reach the dream, the most recent, Ligia Madrigal who reached the peak on May 22, 2024, while Warner Rojas carried the Costa Rian flag to the top of Everest in 2012.

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Ligia Madrigal at the top of the world. Photo from Instagram

Speaking to La Republica, Warner Rojas offers a guide on the three main ways to embark on this adventure: non-commercial sports expeditions, tourist expeditions, and the Everest Base Camp expedition.

Warner Rojas, the first Costa Rican to reach the top of Everest takes, Costa Ricans to visit Base Camp
  • Non-Commercial Sports Expedition: 70-90 days has a cost of US$30,000 for mountaineers with extensive experience
  • Commercial Expedition: 40-55 days starts at US$57,000 (including equipment) and requires at least two Aconcagua and Kilimanjaro type mountains of more than 6,000 meters
  • Everest Base Camp Expedition: 18 days US$2,500 to US$3,200 for mountaineers with intermediate and advanced level hiking

According to Rojas, the first Costa Rican to climb to the top of Everest, follows is a timeline to prepare for and reach Everest.

  • Expected Experience. At least 5 years of mountaineering experience, climbing mountains over 5,000 meters high at least 2-3 times a year.
  • Mountain Selection. Make a list of mountains to climb, including traditional and more challenging mountains like Aconcagua and Kilimanjaro.
  • Equipment Acquisition. Obtain specialized equipment for mountains over 8,000 meters, including suits, boots, gloves, ice axes, crampons, thermal clothing, and secondary equipment for extreme altitudes.
  • Physical and Mental Preparation. Constant training during the previous 5 years, developing physical and mental resistance to face extreme conditions in the mountains.
  • Hiring Services in Nepal. Hire a company in Nepal for forwarding services, which can range from $30,000 to over $100,000 depending on the amenities and services included.
  • Acclimatization in Nepal. Arrive in Kathmandu, spend a few days acclimatizing and wait for favorable weather conditions to fly to Lukla. From there, begin the gradual ascent towards Everest Base Camp.
  • Mountain Acclimatization. Spend at least 8-10 days acclimatizing at Base Camp and ascending and descending to gradually adapt to the altitude.
  • Final Ascent. Begin the ascent towards the high altitude camps, passing through the Advanced Base Camp and establishing camps at different altitudes to continue acclimatizing.
  • Summit. Once acclimatized and with suitable weather conditions, attempt the summit of Everest, which can take approximately a month from arrival at Base Camp.
  • Descent and Return. After reaching the summit, descend safely to the lower camps and return to Base Camp. Then, return to Kathmandu to complete the expedition.

The first Tico to reach the top of the world adds, “If you want to go to Everest, it’s not just about going, but everything beforehand. Nepal asks that one have experience, having climbed a 6,000 meter mountain. Usually people go to Aconcagua, Kilimanjaro.

“Most people don’t know that there are 14 mountains over 8,000 meters and that they are much tougher.

“I recommend a period of at least 5 years, climbing 5,000 meter mountains 2 to 3 times a year so that the person learns how their body works or sees what needs to be improved.”


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