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Very Few Countries Have Real Plans to Quit Fossil Fuels, According to Net Zero Tracker Report ⋆ The Costa Rica News

Most countries aiming for carbon neutrality have not yet announced plans to phase out fossil fuels, a climate think tank has warned.The report by the group Net Zero Tracker was published on the occasion of COP28 in Dubai, one of the crucial questions of which is whether nations will agree to reduce or phase out fossil fuels, the main source of greenhouse gas emissions that warm the planet. According to the think tank, some 150 countries have committed to achieving emissions neutrality, covering 88% of all greenhouse gases worldwide.

However, only 13% of these countries have made at least a commitment to phase out the use, production or exploration of coal, oil and gas, says the group, managed by several US and European research centers.

Not know how to phase out fossil fuels

“A ‘net zero’ plan that doesn’t clearly say how to phase out fossil fuels is like a fad diet that lets you eat as much fat as you want,” said Thomas Hale of Oxford University, a co-author of the report.

Net Zero Tracker has analyzed more than 1,500 countries, regions, cities and large companies that have committed to carbon neutrality.About 95% of oil and gas producing countries have not committed to phasing out exploration.

The analysis is more positive in the case of companies: 56% of companies active in coal production are committed, at least partially, to progressively eliminating this fuel with high emissions.African and European companies feature prominently in phase-out plans, far ahead of American companies.

Spain and Stockholm

The report also praises Spain, which has included legislative plans to eliminate these fuels, and the Swedish capital, Stockholm, which has set emissions reduction targets, as well as the Danish energy giant Orsted, which is weaned off fossil fuels.

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Beleida Delgado
