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Today, Monday, September 16, is NOT a holiday

QCOSTARICA — Costa Rica on Sunday, September 15, commemorated the 203rd anniversary of Independence, a historic date for our country and Central America.

Due to its relevance, this holiday is considered a mandatory paid holiday, according to Costa Rican labor legislation.

Unlike in the recent past, this year, the enjoyment of the holiday falling on a Sunday is not carried to the following Monday, that is today.

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That is, the holiday remained on its original date.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS) emphasized on its website that: “Its enjoyment is not transferred to another different date” and “No worker is obliged to work on a holiday unless he or she agrees to do so”.

Article 148 of the Labor Code, “Independence Day” is a mandatory paid holiday for all persons who must work on that day, there is no extra day off or extra pay for a salaried worker who did not work on Sunday.

This means no worker was obligated to work on Sunday.

For salary recognition, workplaces that have weekly payment (in non-commercial activity), that is, that recognize the salary only for the time actually worked during the week, would be paid for the days worked that week and the value of one day would be added for each mandatory paid holiday. If the holiday is worked, they are paid double pay for the day.

For the salaried paid monthly or biweekly in commercial activity, the salary for all days of the month, even if they are weekly rest days or holidays. In these cases, they received the full salary for the fortnight or month and paid double if worked on the holiday.

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Overtime on the holiday is paid triple pay.

Again, today, Monday, September 16, is not a holiday. Government offices, banks, etc are operating at normal hours. However, some businesses and/or professional offices, ie, lawyers, and doctors, may close on this day, call ahead if you plan to visit.

Following is a chart of the 2024 holidays in Costa Rica prepared by the MTSS:

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There are two holidays left for this year, Sunday, December 1 and Wednesday, December 25.

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