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Ruta 27 “one way” to San Jose this Sunday

QCOSTARICA — In an effor to lessen the usual traffic congestion of returning vacationers, the Ruta 27 converts into a ‘one way’ to San José every Sunday this month in an police operation called ‘reversibility’.

The reversibility, meaning all lanes will move in the same direction between Pozón (from the Orotina tolls) to Cuidad Colón, will be in effect from 2 pm to 6 pm.

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Traffic police will close off all access westbound on the Ruta 27 starting at 1 pm and until 7 pm, allowing one hour before and after to clear all traffic from the westbound lanes.

For those planning traveling west between 1 pm and 7 pm west to the Pacific coastal areas the alternatives to the Ruta 27 are:

  • Ruta 3, through Atenas – Aguacate – Orotina (old road to Jacó)
  • Ruta 1, the Interamerican north, through Cambronero (ie San Ramon)
  • Ruta 239, through Ciudad Colón – Puriscal – San Pablo – Turrubares to Orotina

Keep in mind that all routes will be heavily policed on Sunday, keep to the posted speed limits (on the Ruta 27 not exceeding 60 km/h during reversability) and obey all traffic signals to be able to reach home safely and in your own vehicle and your finances in check, that is not have your vehicle and/or license plates confiscated by a traffic official (Transito) for execessive speeding and driving under the influence, among other traffic infractions, in addition to a huge fine.

The reversibility, in addition to this Sunday, January 7, will also be in effect on January 14, 21 and 28.


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