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‘Rodriguista’ party Aqui Costa Rica Manda loses appeal

QCOSTAIRCA — The Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones (TSE) – elections tribunal – declared inadmissible one of the revocation appeals presented by the party Aquí Costa Rica Manda (ACRM) – Here Costa Rica Manda – after the setbacks in the presentation of candidates for the February 2024 municipal elections, due to non-compliance with the rule of gender parity.

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The appeal was presented by Federico ‘Choreco’ Cruz, president of the Superior Executive Committee of ACRM and ad honorem advisor to Costa Rica President Rodrigo Chaves, as an indication of the affinity of this group with the political movement led by the president.

The rejection was issued by the General Directorate of the Electoral Registry of the TSE and refers to the candidacies for trustees in all the cantons of the country, although the future of the total candidacies for mayors is still pending, also objected due to lack of parity between men and women.

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“This Directorate believes that the contested resolutions are in accordance with the law, so acceding to the claims of the political party would entail violating the principles of legality and singular non-derogability of the Regulation, as well as the rules established for compliance with horizontal parity in the presentation of payrolls,” says resolution PIC-3538-M-2023 of Friday, November 17.

For this reason, “the appeal for revocation formulated by Mr. Federico Cruz (…) against what was resolved by this General Directorate through resolutions ranging from No. PIC-1389-M-2023 to No. PIC-1414-M-2023, from No. PIC-1440-M-2023 to No. PIC-1456-M-2023 and from No. PIC-1488-M-2023 to No. PIC-1511-M-2023”.

Due to this revocation, the case now passes into the hands of the TSE member magistrates, while waiting to know the outcome of the other revocation appeal, all against time due to the need to define the payrolls and order the printing of the ballots that will be used on Sunday, February 4, 2024.

Although there is no known official statement from the party, on their Facebook page they published the announcement for a demonstration this Sunday (November 26) in the Plaza de la Democracia, with the allegation that “the TSE has already accepted the participation of several political supporters who do not “comply with parity”, which is why they ask “that they apply the law in accordance with our Constitution, which clearly establishes that we are all equal before the Law.”

The TSE has explained that it did allow the candidacies of other parties that did not comply with parity because they managed to demonstrate that they did try, as established by the current rules.

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