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Rodrigo Chaves’ possible resignation could become a reality

QCOSTARICA — The resignation of President Rodrigo Chaves to seek a seat in the Legislative Assembly is something that could become a reality.

But it is not seen as “an attack on democracy” said the

Pro-government legislator Pilar Cisneros speaking out on the radio program Asiento Extra about a possible Chaves resignation, said that the decision, if it were to be carried out, “would never be an attack on democracy.”

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“The president can resign whenever he wants,” said the legislator for the Partido Progreso Social Democrático (PPSD).

“It is something that could become a reality, yes. It is a decision that President Chaves will have to make. At the right time, a decision will have to be made in that regard,” Cisneros said during the radio program.

“It is a very valid option and worth considering,” Cisneros continued, explaining that Chaves’ movement aims to win the largest number of legislative seats possible in the next Congress.

“If don Rodrigo decides that this is his path and that he would prefer to retire six months earlier, resign as president to run for Congress, that is a very personal decision for Rodrigo Chaves. He will decide whether to do it or not, but the option is there,” she added.

Cisneros’ comments were in response to the general secretary of the Partido Liberacion Nacional (PLN), Miguel Guillén, who stated in the same interview that an eventual resignation by the president “would be an attack on democracy” in Costa Rica.

President Rodrigo Chaves must resign by July 31 to be a candidate for legislator

“It will never, ever be an attack on democracy,” she responded to Guillén.

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The head of the ruling party said that the resignation of a president is protected by the Magna Carta and that, for this reason, there is a presidential formula: with the president of the Republic and two vice presidents.

Cisneros also stated that they will “take the time” to define with which party they will seek the continuity of “Rodriguismo” for the Presidential Elections of 2026.

Last September 26 Chaves did not rule out the idea of ​​his resignation, claiming that “it is not a crazy idea.”

For Chaves to run for a seat in Congress, the rules of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) he has to leave his post no later than July 31, 2025.

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Article 109 of the Political Constitution states that those who have held certain positions within the 6 months prior to the date of the election cannot be elected as candidates for legislator:

  1. The President of the Republic or whoever replaces in the exercise of the Presidency at the time of the election;
  2. The Ministers of Government;
  3. The Magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice;
  4. The Magistrates and alternates of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, and the Director of the Civil Registry;
  5. Military personnel in active service;
  6. Those who exercise jurisdiction, civil or police authority, extending to a province;
  7. The managers of autonomous institutions;
  8. Relatives of the person holding the Presidency of the Republic up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity, inclusive.

Why would Chaves want to resign?

Political analyst, and former presidential candidate for the Partido Liberacion Nacional (PLN), Claudio Alpízar, outlined several factors that would explain the plan by Rodrigo Chaves to resign.

“Some say that since the President in Costa Rica cannot be re-elected immediately and that he has to wait 8 years after the end of his term, that is, Rodrigo Chaves could be a candidate for the Presidency again in 2034, not before, as some dream.

“Others say that since he dreams of changing some things in the laws, he would like to remain on the political stage for four more years; However, there are also those who think badly that after having more than 50 ‘denuncias’ before the Public Ministry, and the President having immunity as long as he is President, what he would seek in the Legislative Assembly would be another four years of immunity for those cases and others that, surely, much more serious will appear very soon to the misfortune of the President, due to his inefficiency, for not worrying about the big issues and for wanting to improvise without respecting the established laws,” said Alpízar.


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