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Protect Your Phone: Avoid Hacking Attempts Through Calls

Is it possible to hack phone by calling? This is a question you might think has a simple answer and that is a no. However, you’ll be surprised to learn that there are different ways hackers and scammers can access your phone and calling is one of them.

However, there is no need to hit the panic button since just a few steps can help prevent a possible attempt to hack phone by calling on any other method. This article will provide you with a comprehensive idea about it. So, without further ado, let’s get right into it.

How to Avoid Hacking Attempts Through Calls or Other Methods?

Most people use their phones for personal and work purposes. Therefore, getting their phone hacked means their relevant information is at stake. Nevertheless, taking the following steps will ensure you can easily keep your phone safe from any hackers.

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Basic Phone Security Tips

As mentioned before, people use phones for both personal and work purposes. If you’re using it casually, then adhering to the basic phone security tips will be more than enough. Here is what you need to do.

Use a Complex Password 

Using a simple password or passcode means your phone is vulnerable to potential threats. If you have a passcode like “1234,” “0000” and “2580,” then it only makes the hacker’s job easy. Therefore, it is best to choose a strong password that no one can easily guess.

Activate Two-Factor Authentication

Apart from the password, you should have additional protection with two-factor authentication. This could include a voice or facial recognition to ensure no one else can unlock your phone.

Download Approved Apps and Update Them 

Another important thing that you need to do is only download apps with good ratings on the Play Store. You should avoid any apps that are not available on the Play Store and require you to download APK files. Also, keeping these apps updated is vital as developers release new features to deal with potential security threats.

Advanced Ways to Prevent Phone Hacking

Are you still worried about your phone being hacked? As a professional who runs most of their work activities through the phone, you would want additional security. If that is the case, then here are some advanced ways to ensure your phone isn’t hacked.

Use a VPN

The most effective way to prevent any possible hacking attempts is through installing and using a VPN. By using a VPN, you can encrypt all data that you send while masking your IP address. As a result, it can keep you safe when connecting to open Wi-Fi networks.

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Turn Off Your Autocomplete Feature

If you store critical information and don’t want someone to access it, then turn off the autocomplete feature. Furthermore, it is best to delete your browsing history from time to time, which includes history, cache, and cookies. By removing the virtual footprint, you can decrease the amount of data that the prying eyes can harvest.

Enable Find My iPhone 

If you are an iOS user, then you should enable the “Find My iPhone,” feature on your phone. This feature can come in really handy when finding your phone in case of theft or loss.

Back-Up Your Phone

Despite all your efforts, there is still a chance someone might be able to breach your phone and access your data. In that case, you should have a data backup by your side to ensure you don’t lose any of your critical data.

Is it Possible to Hack Your Phone Through Calls?

Calls and texts can be used to initiate a phishing scam. Furthermore, it is also possible to carry out a malware attack through text. Although spam calls can’t directly hack your phone, the emergence of deep fakes makes it possible for hackers to use your voice and call people you know.

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As a result, they can ask your friends and family for money while pretending it is you on the phone. Ideally, it is best to not text back or contact the scammers through a call. Talking with scammers or hackers for too long can lead to complex issues, such as SIM swap scams.

Bottom Line: Keep Your Phone Safe from Any Hacking Attempts 

There is no telling when a hacker might try and attempt to access data on your phone. Nevertheless, carrying out the relevant steps mentioned in this article will ensure that you don’t have to deal with any potential issues.

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Carter Maddox
