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Proof Our Vote Doesn’t Matter – The Costa Rican Times

Well, folks, it finally happened. Kamala Harris has been nominated as the presidential candidate without a shred of input from the American public. And to make matters worse, Joe Biden, with his increasingly evident dementia, is still acting as president. If this doesn’t prove that our votes don’t matter, I don’t know what does.

Democrats and Their Endless Spending Spree

Let’s start with the Democrats. These folks seem to have a bottomless pit of taxpayer money to spend on everything except what actually benefits Americans. It’s as if their primary goal is to bankrupt the country. They know their policies are disastrous for the American people, yet they stick together, creating turmoil and chaos. They’re united in their mission to destroy the country, while pretending to be our saviors.

Republicans: A Party in Disarray

Now, the Republican Party. Oh boy, what a mess. If the Democrats are unified in their destructive mission, the Republicans are a fragmented disaster. They couldn’t stick together if you drenched them in Super Glue. They talk about unity and conservative values, but when it’s time to act, they’re as organized as a herd of cats. It’s a constant circus of infighting and backstabbing, with no real leadership in sight.

Electing a Bunch of Self-Serving Fools

What have we really elected? A bunch of self-serving, non-caring fools. From President Biden all the way down to local government, it’s the same old story. They’re in it for themselves, not for the people who put them in office. They feed us a steady diet of lies and expect us to swallow it whole. And sadly, many do. They preach their fabricated stories as if they were gospel, and if we believe them, we’re the fools.

A Government of Clowns

Sorry to say, but our government has become nothing more than a clown show. It’s a chaotic mess that doesn’t need any help from outside forces to destroy itself. The politicians are doing a fine job of that all on their own. I’m just waiting for the day when they start knocking on my door, trying to sell me on how great they are. It’s all bull, plain and simple. Is it any wonder the rest of the world is laughing at us?

The Broken System

Our political system is a broken relic of what it once was. The ideals of democracy, representation, and serving the public have been buried under layers of corruption, self-interest, and incompetence. The nomination of Kamala Harris without public input is just the latest example of this. Instead of a smooth, democratic process, we got a spectacle that would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic.

The Impact on America

This dysfunction isn’t just an embarrassment; it’s dangerous. Our leaders’ inability to govern effectively has real consequences. It affects our economy, our international standing, and our daily lives. When the government is more focused on infighting and pushing personal agendas than on doing their jobs, everyone suffers.

The Solution: Demand Better

So, what’s the solution? We, the people, need to demand better. We need to hold our elected officials accountable and remind them who they’re supposed to be serving. It’s time to stop buying into their lies and start demanding transparency, integrity, and competence. We deserve leaders who are committed to making our country better, not just lining their own pockets.

Unity and Action

We also need to find common ground and come together as citizens. The division and polarization only serve to weaken us further. By uniting and taking collective action, we can push for the changes that are desperately needed. This means getting involved, staying informed, and voting not just in presidential elections but in every election.


The nomination of Kamala Harris without any public input, along with Joe Biden’s evident decline, is a clear indicator that our political system is in dire need of repair. The Democrats’ reckless spending and the Republicans’ inability to unite are symptoms of a larger problem: a government that has lost sight of its purpose. It’s time for us to wake up, demand better, and take back our democracy from the clowns who currently run the show.

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