Anything & Everything Costa Rica

Presidency denies that there are cells organized and controlled by Daniel Ortega in Costa Rica

QCOSTARICA — A resounding “no” to the existence of an organized and controlled cell of Daniel Ortega’s government in Costa Rica, President Rodrigo Chaves stressed in a press release, following the attack on Nicaraguan opposition members Joao Maldonado and his wife, Nadia Robleto, intercepted by motorcyclists and shot Wednesday morning, January 10, in the Calle de la Amargura sector, in San Pedro de Montes de Oca.

The vehicle in which Joao Maldonado and his wife, Nadia Robleto, were traveling. Photo: Courtesy

The victims, taken Calderón Guardia Hospital in serious condition, are both under the protection of the Organismo de Investigación Judicial (OIJ), according to friends of the couple as reported by Confidencial, a news source for Nicaragua operating out of Costa Rica due to the persection by the Ortega regime against the press.

In addition, Casa Presidencial indicated that the “Dirección de Inteligencia y Seguridad Nacionathe Directorate of Intelligence (DIS)” – Costa Rica’s intelligence service under the control of the presidency, does not have legal jurisdiction to provide protection and protection to Maldonado or any other person.

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“It is totally false that the Dirección de Inteligencia y Seguridad Nacionathe Directorate of Intelligence intervened in a home related to this case,” they said.

Maldonado and his wife have been exiled in Nicaragua since July 2018 and this is the second (alleged) attack on their lives that they have suffered in Costa Rica.

In September 2023, Costa Rica’s mainstream newspaper, La Nacion, obtained statements from Maldonado, who, referring to the first attack in 2021, claimed to have received death threats from an alleged cell linked to the regime of Daniel Ortega operating in Costa Rica.

So far, the OIJ has not provided additional information about the motives or responsible parties for the first attack. The OIJ only confirmed to La Nación that the case is “under investigation”.

In February, Roy Ruiz, one of the OIJ investigators assigned to the case, stated in a press conference that, until that moment, they had “not been able to determine the exact motive of the incident itself,” despite various efforts.

Confidencial reports that sources close to Maldonado, both he and his family were in the process of leaving Costa Rica at the end of this month heading to the United States, after being selected by the Safe Mobility program coordinated by the UN Refugee Agency (ACNUR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

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In a press release, Casa Presidencial stated “Maldonado’s case is investigated by the corresponding judicial body as dictated by law and the Government will act in accordance with the findings of this investigation.”


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