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PLN faction leader accuses President Chaves of inciting violence

QCOSTARICA — The leader of the Partido Liberacion Nacional (PLN) legislative faction, Oscar Izquierdo, harshly criticized President Rodrigo Chaves, saying that the President is inciting the population to violence if the Ley Jaguar (Jaguar Law) does not pass the Constitutional Court’s review.

The statement made by the Chaves during the 200th anniversary of the Annexation of the Nicoya Party celebrations raised a wave of criticism and concerns about institutional stability and Izquierdo expressed this during the plenary session of the Legislative Assembly, traditionally held in Nicoya, Guanacaste, on July 25.

“The president has repeatedly attacked institutions in his speeches and has even incited the population to demonstrate in the streets if his referendum project is declared unconstitutional.

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“Much less threaten institutions, polarizing and inciting the population to violence. In a country of law like ours, we will always respect legal decisions. We have always done so and this is how we have built this country, respecting the wills and legal decisions, democracy is respected and legal decisions are also respected,” said Izquierdo.

In addition, Izquierdo denounced that the Chaves government has “an enormous debt” with the province of Guanacaste and that the promises made are not enough to settle it.

“While here (in Guanacaste) we see so many empty promises, in the Caribbean, painfully, based on cronyism and nepotism, all laws are ignored and that is why we are calling on the Minister of the Environment to appear before the Legislative Assembly, for what is happening in Gandoca, and we will go to the last consequences,” Izquierdo concluded in his speech on July 24, 2024.

For his part, Rodrigo Arias, president of the Legislative Assembly, raised his voice to criticize Chaves’ statements and called for respect for judicial decisions and the independence of each branch of government.

In a recent interview, Chaves said that he would not organize a popular response (ie referendum) until he saw the reaction of the people.

Chaves added that the people could “take to the streets” and organize against what he describes as “the ecosystem of corrupt bartering, cronyism and crony capitalism.”

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Next week, the magistrates of the Constitutional Court, also known as Sala IV, will decide on the consult presented by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) regarding Bill 24,364, known as the “Ley Jaguar”.

The Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR) has warned that this law would eliminate crucial preventive stages against corruption in public contracts.


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