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Panama demands electoral transparency and suspends relations with Venezuela

Q24N (VOA) The suspension of diplomatic relations between the governments of Panama and Venezuela could have various repercussions, according to the Palacio de las Garzas, after demanding greater transparency in the electoral process that gave Nicolás Maduro the victory.

“The millions of Venezuelans deserve that the genuine popular will be respected. Democratic principles and values ​​are not negotiable,” said the president of Panama, José Raúl Mulino, during a public statement on Monday.

In this sense, he added that, with the decision to suspend diplomatic relations with the Miraflores Palace, political relations between both governments will automatically cease.

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In fact, at the time, relations had become so tense to the point that both governments currently do not have ambassadors in their respective diplomatic delegations.

However, the Panamanian foreign minister, Javier Martínez Acha, clarified that the suspension of relations is only taken at a diplomatic level, so consular relations will continue to be maintained.

Migratory impact

On the other hand, this situation may have a direct impact on the migration issue since, according to the Panamanian president’s prediction, it is likely that there will be an increase in the flow of Venezuelan migrants who, faced with possible political and economic instability, decide to undertake a journey to the United States, which forces Panama to monitor the situation on the border in the Darien region.

“I hope I’m wrong, but this will increase the flow of Venezuelans for obvious reasons, and we have to make the appropriate decisions to safeguard their integrity and give expedited passage to people who want to emigrate to the United States,” he explained.

It is estimated that almost 100,000 Venezuelans reside in Panama, who are concerned about the way in which they will carry out their immigration procedures.

The trigger in the diplomatic relationship

The fragile relationship between Panama and Venezuela has been damaged in a more accentuated way in recent days. First, due to the unilateral closure of the airspace, by the Venezuelan government, for flights of the Panamanian airline Copa for some hours on July 26, which prevented the transfer of a group of former Latin American presidents to Venezuela to act as observers.

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Second, due to the call made from the Palacio de las Garzas to ask for greater clarity in the Venezuelan electoral process, whose National Electoral Council awarded the victory to Nicolás Maduro by more than 51% of the votes.

“We cannot look the other way, in the face of an attempted institutional coup, at the sovereign decision of the Venezuelan people,” said President Mulino.

According to him, the suspension of diplomatic relations with Venezuela will remain in place until a complete review of the minutes is made and the proper functioning of the computerized system of the vote count is verified, which will allow us to know the genuine popular will in the electoral process of July 28.

“It is usually 72 hours, that is decided by the Foreign Ministry as appropriate, there are no perfect decisions; this decision will cause some setback, I have no doubt, but I want the Venezuelans in Panama to be clear that I have no other option,” admitted the Panamanian president.

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What will happen to trade between the two countries?

For analyst José Stoute, no major repercussions are expected at the commercial level.

In the case of the Colon Free Trade Zone and the debt that Venezuela has with the merchants of that important Panamanian commercial emporium (a little more than 500 million dollars) a major impact is not expected either.

“That debt has been paid in dribs and drabs, and the payment may be suspended. Although that is an affectation for the businessmen of the Free Trade Zone, the president of Panama has considered that a firm position of the government is much more important. Even if the payment is suspended, I do not believe that it will significantly affect the Colon Free Trade Zone,” assured Stoute.

In the case of the Panamanian airline Copa Airlines, so far it has not announced any changes in its flight activity to and from Venezuela.

As for the Panama Canal, due to its neutral position, repercussions on the passage of ships with Venezuelan merchandise through the area would be ruled out. The Panama Canal Authority has not made any statements on this issue.

Panama is expected to request a meeting of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS), as established by its constitutive and democratic charter, with the objective of calling a meeting of foreign ministers to discuss the situation in Venezuela.

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