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Operation in ‘La California’: 102 traffic fines, drugs and closures

QCOSTARICA — Saturday night, various police forces descended on the barrio La California, on the east side of downtown San José, a neighborhood popular for weekend partying.

The police operation resulted in multiple traffic fines, drugs use and the closure of establishments.

“We want to enforce public order and combat all types of illegal activities. For this reason, this weekend an inter-institutional operation was carried out in the barrio La California ,” said Rodrigo Alfaro, regional director of the Fuerza Publica (National Police) in San José.

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Participating in the operation were officials of the:

  • Organismo de Investigación Judicial (OIJ)
  • Policia Municipal (Municipal Police)
  • Policia de Transito (Traffic Police)
  • Ministerio de Trabajo (Ministry of Labor), and
  • Ministerio de Salud (Ministry of Health)

In total, 14 bars were inspected, where in one of them authorities found several doses of drugs, such as LSD, cocaine, and marijuana, in the possession of some workers.

Foto: Fuerza Pulica

“Municipal officials, with the support of the Fuerza Publica, proceeded to close this establishment. In addition, a second bar was closed for non-compliance with municipal regulations,” Alfaro reported.

Alfaro added that this type of police action will continue in the neighborhood to guarantee public order and prevent illegal activities.

Outside, the traffic police issued 102 traffic fines, and confiscated 12 pairs of license plates.

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“With this work, the opening of the streets of the neighborhood was facilitated, allowing free transit, since some drivers park on public roads, obstructing the passage of other vehicles,” Alfaro emphasized.

In addition, authorities also reviewed the conditions in which the private security agents worked in the establishments inspected. Most did not have the credentials to carry out the work.

Meanwhile, inspectors from the Ministry of Labor checked for work permits of some foreigners and ensured that there were no minors working in the bars.

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