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Lower gasoline prices expected in New Year

QCOSTARICA – The public services segulatory authority – Autoridad Reguladora de los Servicios Públicos (ARESEP) – began on Wednesday the process of a reduction of ¢75 colones for a liter regular gasoline, ¢17 for super and ¢59 for diesel.

This decrease in prices, when approved without any changes, would go into effect in the first days of January.

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With this adjustment, a liter of regular gasoline would go from ¢754 to ¢679, super from ¢745 to ¢725 anddiesel from ¢691 to ¢633.

Other fuels, among them liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or propane used in many homes and businesses across the country, jet fuel,  kerosene and others. See here the complete list of fuels and current prices.

“Again, we urge Aresep to stand on the side of Costa Ricans this holiday season. It would really be great news and a great relief for everyone’s pocket. It would be a great Christmas gift,” said Juan Manuel Quesada, president of Recope, expecting that the price reduction put forward last week would be approved and prices at the pumps would drop before the end of the year.



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