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Honduran Women Protest Rising Tide of Femicides :

Dressed in black as a sign of mourning, about 300 women marched on Thursday in Tegucigalpa to the National Congress, on Honduran Women’s Day, to protest the increase in femicides.

“We come to demand that the lives of Honduran women be respected, that’s why we come to this National Congress,” an activist who covered her face and hair with black scarves said through a megaphone.

The police placed barriers around Congress as a new legislative period began with the attendance of President Xiomara Castro, but the protesters managed to jump over them and reached the lower part of the building.

“We are marching today against all violence, from domestic violence to femicide. We demand the approval of the Comprehensive Law against Violence that the president promised; we can’t wait,” said Sandra Deras.

According to the Women’s Rights Center, violence against women is on the rise in Honduras. In the first 15 days of 2024, at least 16 women were murdered (according to preliminary police reports there were 15).

According to the National Autonomous University of Honduras’ Violence Observatory, 380 femicides were registered in 2023, compared to 308 in 2022.

According to UN Women data, Honduras is the fifth country with the highest rate of femicides in the world, 6.47 per every 100,000 inhabitants, making it the most dangerous country for women in Latin America.

Congress established January 25 as Honduran Women’s Day because on that date in 1955, women were granted the right to vote and participate in the country’s political life.

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Tico Times
