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Hillary Sánchez, Señorita San José 2023: Triumph Over Adversity

Hillary Sánchez Cantillo, the newly crowned Señorita San José, is more than just a title-holder. At 24, she’s a beacon of resilience, symbolizing strength and hope for those facing life’s toughest battles. In an exclusive chat with La Nación, she shared her poignant journey from despair to triumph.

From Darkness to Light

Hillary’s road to the crown wasn’t paved with roses. The nursing student and patient assistant endured years of bullying in school, leading to depression and anxiety attacks. Mocked for her height and freckles, she felt lost in a “black cloud,” grappling with a desire to fit in and be accepted. The thought of not living crossed her mind more than once, revealing the depth of her emotional turmoil.

A Turnaround at Seventeen

The turning point came at 17 when her stepfather, a father figure to her, passed away. With her mother, Jeimmy Cantillo’s support, Hillary rediscovered her essence, realizing she wasn’t here to follow societal norms but to fulfill her heart’s desires. She began to see herself as a perseverant, resilient woman, unafraid of falling and rising again.

A Queen With a Mission

Now, as Señorita San José, Hillary’s reign is more than just ceremonial. She’s on a mission to serve and represent “real women” – to be a queen of substance, not just beauty. She chose nursing to spread kindness and love in a world that needs it most.

Hillary Sanchez miss san jose costa rica

Focusing on the Homeless

During her reign, Hillary plans to focus on helping the homeless in San José, providing them with tranquility, especially during the festive season. She aims to collaborate with the municipality and support centers to offer shelter, meals, and warmth to those in need.

Security and Purpose

Her reign is twofold: working with the homeless and ensuring the safety of her canton. Hillary envisions a reign with purpose, being a support and a voice for the people of San José.

Future Plans and Life’s Mission

Looking ahead, Hillary dreams of starting her own foundation, ‘Salvavidas,’ to ‘save lives’ just as many have saved hers. She plans to offer spiritual guidance, believing that inner peace leads to overall well-being.

Hillary’s Personal Resolve

Above all, Hillary’s personal mission is to continue being a resilient woman who learns from falls and rises stronger. She’s determined to rewrite her story, fulfilling the desires of her heart, which she’s already begun as Señorita San José.

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