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Gone are the “chinamos” (street vendors) in Caldera

QCOSTARICA — The dozens of business that have operated, for several years, in one of the most tourist places in Pacific in Costa Rica, are gone.

Street vendors evicted from Puerto Caldera

On Wednesday, an operation by authorities led to vendors of churchills, pinchos (skewers), vigoróns, hamburgers, fruits and ice cream, among others, picking up stake, hitching their trailers or hauled off on flatbeds, while others met their demise to the Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes (MOPT) bulldozers and dump trucks.

“We are executing an operation in the town of District Sixth in Esparza Caldera, removing them from the right of way of all structures and street sellets installed illegally,” was the official word of Vinicio Barboza, head of the MOPT’s department of road inspections and demolitions.

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“This area has a process of processing and others, for many years; This is a very old issue and the people who are here in the right of road are appropriate from the area. It is true that they have many years here and the situation has tried to control by providing options, but it has not been a successful management.

“Most chinamos (steet vendors) are adjacent to the beach and are contaminating the place with wastewater and do not have health permits, nor have a municipal patent. Because of this, the MOPT turned the guideline so that this whole area was evicted,” said Solórzano, press officer for the Municipality of Esparza.

While the action was a surprise to many of us and passers by, the vendors have been given a time and date by to remove their carts, trailers or structures peacefully; If not, they will be destroyed.

“The coordination of this work is already many years old, in recent months inspections were intensified between the Ministry of Health, ICE, Aya and with police forces for crimes related to drug sales. The Municipality has been responsible for providing the necessary cooperation with machinery and others so that those of the MOPT can proceed with the eviction, ” said Solórzano.

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According to the municipality, the problem has been ongoing since 2019.

Images from Noticias del Puerto Facebook page

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