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Gasoline price drop announced | Q COSTA RICA

QCOSTARICA — The Autoridad Reguladora de los Servicios Públicos (Aresep) – Public Services Regulatory Authority announced the approval of a reduction in the prices of all fuels.

Plus or regular gasoline drops to ¢16 per liter, Super ¢3 per liter, and Diesel ¢11 per liter. The price drop is expected at the pumps one day after publication in the official government newsletter, La Gaceta. Publication is expected on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Until publication, prices will remain at ¢722 for a liter of regular gasoline, ¢737 for Super, and ¢600 for Diesel.

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The price drop is also for all other fuels, such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), used in most kitchens across the country, aviation fuel, and kerosene, among others.

The adjustment is based on the cost of shipments managed by the Refinadora Costarricense de Petróleo (Recope) – the Costa Rican refinery that refines nothing – between May 10 and June 13, a period in which, although an increase in the exchange rate was recorded, it was also presented a downward trend in the international price of finished products imported by Recope, which constitutes the main variable that explains the decrease in all products.

However, the Mayor of Energy of Aresep, Mario Mora, observed that “the international hydrocarbon market continues to register great volatility in the short term, considering that geopolitical conditions prevail that determine the evolution and trend of the international price, both of crude oil as well as the finished products that our country imports.”

In other words, no surprise for an increase next month.

Gasoline prices in Costa Rica are regulated. The current formula includes the Recope making a monthly adjustment request (up or down) to the Aresep, which in turn studies the request and following a public hearing renders a decision, which goes into effect following publication in La Gaceta.

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Prices are the same at ALL gasoline stations across the country.

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