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Four out of ten vehicle owners have Marchamo payment pending

QCOSTARICA — Almost four out of ten vehicle owners have yet to pay their 2024 Marchmo (Derechos de Circulación) – circulation permit. The deadline to pay it without fines or surcharges expires on Sunday, December 31.

According to the Instituto Nacional de Seguros (INS) – National Insurer – responsible for the collection of the Marchamo, so far 1,072,456 Marchamos have been paid, represnting 61.2% of the total number of registered vehicles required to pay the annual circulation permit.

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There are number of ways to pay the 2024 Marchamo, including INS offices and authorized INS agents, making line at banks and financial institutions offering the service (most) and paying online and picking up the sticker and documentation sent by way of Correos (Post Office).

This Correos option may not be a good option for vehicle owners who plan to use the their vehicle before the sticker arrives.

Starting January 1, vehicles without the Marchamo sticker applied to the windshield and the corresponding document in hand, are subject to sanctions, that include a monetary fine (some ¢60,000 colones) and the risk the seizure of the license plates and/or vehicle) if picked off by a Policia de Transito (Traffic Police) official.

Also starting January 1, the cost of an unpaid Marchamo begins to accrue interest (until paid) and late fees.

If you have not yet paid, find out here the amount due on your vehicle.


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