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Exposing 25 Lies Kamala Harris Made During the Debate; ABC Fact Checked Her Zero Times! – The Costa Rican Times

Political debates can often turn into a game of dodgeball, with candidates throwing statements and hoping they stick. But not all of them are truthful. Despite the fact-checkers being on a coffee break during the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, a closer look reveals a significant number of misleading statements by the Vice President. Harris, with her signature smile, danced around the truth on several occasions. Let’s dive into the 25 misleading or outright false statements she made during the debate.

1. ‘Middle-Class Kid’ Narrative

Kamala Harris claimed she grew up as a “middle-class kid.” While this might sound relatable, it doesn’t hold up under scrutiny. Harris’s father was a Stanford professor, and her mother was a biomedical scientist—hardly your typical middle-class upbringing. While they may not have been billionaires, they certainly didn’t face the struggles that most middle-class families experience.

2. Trump’s Tax Cuts Favoring the Wealthy

Harris painted the 2017 tax reforms under Trump as a gift to billionaires. This is an old talking point, but IRS data shows that middle-income earners benefited the most. In fact, working-class Americans saw significant relief. Harris, of course, skipped over that detail.

3. The Phantom ‘Sales Tax’

Harris mentioned a “sales tax” that Trump supposedly wants to introduce. Spoiler alert: Trump has never proposed a national sales tax. It’s almost like Harris made this up on the spot.

4. January 6 as the ‘Worst Attack’ Since the Civil War

Really? Worse than Pearl Harbor or 9/11? Harris described January 6 as the most significant threat to democracy since the Civil War, completely ignoring multiple historical events that posed far greater challenges to the United States.

5. Project 2025 and Trump

Harris tried to link Trump to Project 2025, a plan she claims he would implement if elected. But Trump has publicly distanced himself from this project, and there is no evidence he has any intention of enforcing it.

6. Just Restoring Roe? Not So Fast

When asked about her stance on abortion, Harris sidestepped the question by simply talking about restoring Roe v. Wade. What she didn’t mention was her support for the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would allow abortions up until birth. Just a small detail, right?

7. Misleading on Miscarriages and Ectopic Pregnancies

Harris falsely claimed that states with pro-life laws criminalize care for miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. This is simply untrue. These laws do not criminalize medical care for women experiencing these conditions, and they specifically make exceptions for life-saving treatments.

8. Trump’s Nonexistent ‘Pregnancy Monitor’

Harris alleged that Trump would hire a “pregnancy monitor” to oversee miscarriages if re-elected. No such policy exists in Trump’s platform, but Harris seemed to be hoping no one would notice that detail.

9. Ninth-Month Abortions Aren’t a Thing?

According to Harris, no one in America seeks abortions in the ninth month of pregnancy. Yet, the CDC reports thousands of late-term abortions annually. Her statement? Not grounded in reality.

10. Border Bill Confusion

Harris suggested that the border bill would have fixed immigration problems and stopped fentanyl. Actually, it would have done the opposite, legalizing parts of the current immigration mess.

11. Supreme Court ‘Immunity’ Ruling

Harris twisted a Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity, claiming Trump would be above the law if re-elected. In reality, the ruling pertained only to actions within the constitutional authority of a sitting president.

12. Fracking Flip-Flop

Harris said she never supported a fracking ban. Yet in 2020, she openly advocated for banning fracking. It’s as if she hoped we all have memory loss.

13. Bail Fund for Rioters?

Harris denied her involvement in promoting a bail fund for Minneapolis rioters after George Floyd’s death. But the receipts are there: she promoted the fund on social media, which helped bail out violent offenders.

14. Trump Incited January 6?

Harris claimed Trump incited the riot on January 6, despite the fact he told supporters to “peacefully” protest. Let’s not let facts get in the way of a good talking point, though.

15. Officer Deaths on January 6

Harris said police officers died as a result of the Capitol riot. In reality, no officers died that day as a direct result of the violence. Brian Sicknick’s death was due to natural causes, according to medical examiners.

16. The ‘Fine People’ Hoax

The classic “fine people” hoax made its return, with Harris falsely claiming Trump praised white supremacists after Charlottesville. In fact, Trump specifically condemned them.

17. The ‘Bloodbath’ Lie

Harris said Trump predicted a “bloodbath” if he lost the election. Actually, Trump was talking about the economic consequences of a Democrat victory—not endorsing violence.

18. Trump and NATO

Harris claimed Trump told Russia to “do whatever” they wanted in Ukraine. But Trump’s comments were directed at a NATO member failing to pay its defense dues, not Russia.

19. Foreign Leaders Rooting for Trump?

Harris claimed that autocratic leaders want Trump to win. Yet, Russian President Vladimir Putin recently expressed support for Harris, not Trump.

20. No Troops in Combat Zones?

Harris declared that there are no U.S. troops in combat zones. Wrong again. U.S. troops are still stationed in Syria and Iraq, where they face regular attacks.

21. Afghanistan Withdrawal Blame Game

Harris blamed Trump for the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, but it was President Biden who made the ultimate decision, against the advice of his top officials.

22. Gun Confiscation Flip-Flop

Harris denied supporting gun confiscation, yet she has publicly advocated for policies that would involve just that. It’s a classic case of wanting to have it both ways.

23. Trump Weak on Foreign Policy?

Harris criticized Trump’s foreign policy as weak, even though Trump brokered multiple peace deals and secured the southern border. Meanwhile, under her administration, global conflict has increased.

24. Defunding the Police?

Harris denied wanting to defund the police, but her record of supporting “reimagining” police work and redirecting funds speaks otherwise.

25. Trump’s Abortion and IVF Stance

Harris tried to connect Trump’s abortion policies to IVF, claiming he would prevent couples from accessing treatments. In fact, Trump has supported IVF and pledged taxpayer funding for it.

Final Thoughts: A Web of Misleading Statements

Kamala Harris’s debate performance was full of half-truths and outright fabrications, which went unchecked by the moderators. From misleading statements about her own life to false claims about Trump’s policies, it’s clear that Harris was more interested in spin than in substance. As the debate continues, it’s more important than ever to fact-check and look beyond the rhetoric.

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