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Does Costa Rica need a megaprison?

QCOSTARICA — Costa Rica’s murder stats for the first two months of the year equals the same for the period in 2023, a record year with more than 1,000 murders.

Murders in front of soccer stadiums, schools, and courts of law are a warning that Costa Rica must lock up sicarios (hitmen) and members of the drug trafficking gangs to stop the current wave of violence related to drug trafficking.

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The problem is that the State does not have enough prisons. The current prison system already has an overpopulation of 13%, according to Gerald Campos, Minister of Justice, who indicated that the government will make an announcement soon on the matter..

At this point, and despite the fact that Costa Rica has great challenges in terms of educational and health infrastructure, and roads, among other areas, there is the necessary political will to help the government build several penal centers or a megaprison like the one El Salvador built for contain the gang problem while respecting human rights.

Four out of six political parties in Congress have publicly said they would be willing to give their support (votes) for taking out a loan, that is make modifications to the national budget to strengthen the prison infrastructure or even consider discussions on a concession of the prison model.

The parties are the Partido Unidad Social Cristiana (PUSC), the Nueva Republica, Partido Liberal Progresista  (PLP) and the ruling party, Partido Progreso Social Democrático (PPSD) which make up 31 of the legislative seats.

“There are more than 15,000 prisoners, which has generated overpopulation. So, it is very worrying that the numbers continue to increase and we do not have prisons. What could happen is that we have to release the overcrowded population due to international mandates, as happens today when they release 50 prisoners a month,” said Leslye Bojorges, PUSC legislator.

The legislator’s concern is due to the fact that there is a broad consensus in the Legislative Assembly to approve an agenda of 10 projects that is aimed at applying a tough hand against crime and in this way, preventing criminals from walking free while they await trial, to the time that the benefits of parole for hitmen and members of criminal groups are prohibited.

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The consequent logic is that there will be a growth in the prison population.

In the case of legislators of the Partido Liberacion Nacional (PLN), the party with the single largest block of legislative seats, 19, are of the criterion of attacking the problem from the causes, while at the same time indicating that they will analyze the situation, while the Frente Amplio (6 seats) is totally against it.

“The construction of a megaprison is a populist approach, which is rooted in emotions when in reality it will not solve the problem. Instead of investing money in a megaprison, we must invest in social matters. If we talk about a megaprison, we have to look very carefully at who is going to enter these centers,” said Frente Amplio legislator, Priscilla Vindas.

Pilar Cisneros, Fraction leader of the PPSD, said, “On a personal note, I can say that I do believe in building prisons and giving a new vision to the penitentiary system so that they are productive prisons, where prisoners can work to support themselves and contribute to society, while helping to their families.”

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Eli Feinzaig, Fraction leader of the PLP, and presidential candidate in the 2022 elections,  said, “The fact that the country does not currently have enough space to accommodate an increase in the prison population is not a reason to leave violent and dangerous criminals on the streets, but rather a reason to adapt the availability of prison spaces to the changing situation. criminal reality of the country.

“As we have seen in recent months we have seen shootings and murders committed in front of schools and sports plazas. I believe that the time has come to think about this solution and thus achieve rehabilitation.”


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