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Do These Presidential Policies Sound Like Something You Want for the United States Going Forward? – The Costa Rican Times

Let’s dive into what should be common-sense policies that aim to put the American people first. Below is a breakdown of 20 key points that make perfect sense in restoring prosperity, security, and national pride for the United States. As you read through these ideas, ask yourself—are these really that radical? Or do they sound like exactly what the country needs? Spoiler alert: they’re probably what you’ve been waiting for.

1. Seal the Border and Stop the Migrant Invasion

It’s simple: if we don’t control who comes into our country, we don’t have a country. Every nation has borders, and we need to secure ours by finishing the border wall and ensuring that anyone who enters does so legally. That’s just basic national security.

2. Carry Out the Largest Deportation Operation in American History

With millions of illegal immigrants crossing the border, it’s time to restore law and order. Prioritize the most dangerous individuals and work with local law enforcement to deport criminals. The idea that we should allow illegal migration to overrun the country is nonsensical.

3. End Inflation and Make America Affordable Again

Anyone shopping for groceries or paying rent knows the cost of living is skyrocketing. We need policies that end inflation, restore manufacturing jobs, and bring down costs. Common sense says a strong economy is built on producing our own goods and making life affordable for everyday Americans.

4. Make America the Dominant Energy Producer

Here’s an idea: why rely on foreign nations for energy when we have vast untapped resources here at home? Let’s become energy independent again, bringing down gas prices and fueling a resurgence in American jobs. Drill, baby, drill—because energy independence equals national security.

5. Stop Outsourcing and Turn the U.S. into a Manufacturing Superpower

We’ve shipped jobs overseas for far too long. It’s time to bring back American manufacturing, strengthen our defense industrial base, and make “Made in the USA” mean something again. Who wouldn’t agree that outsourcing has hurt our economy and workers?

6. Large Tax Cuts for Workers and No Tax on Tips

The working class deserves a break. Lower taxes for workers, and stop taxing tips—it’s only fair. Hardworking Americans should keep more of what they earn, and this plan delivers just that.

7. Defend Our Constitution and Fundamental Freedoms

Free speech, religious freedom, the right to bear arms—these are the cornerstones of American liberty. We need to protect the Constitution from any attempts to erode our freedoms. That’s not radical; it’s foundational.

8. Prevent World War III and Build a Great Iron Dome Missile Defense Shield

With global tensions rising, it’s time to prioritize national defense. A strong military and cutting-edge defense systems, like an Iron Dome for the entire U.S., ensure we’re ready for anything. The idea is simple: peace through strength.

9. End the Weaponization of Government

It’s no secret that the government has been used as a political weapon in recent years. Equal treatment under the law is essential. The system should not target citizens based on political beliefs. It’s time to restore trust in our institutions.

10. Stop the Migrant Crime Epidemic and Crush Gang Violence

Illegal immigrants and foreign drug cartels have wreaked havoc on American communities. Cracking down on crime, demolishing cartels, and locking up violent offenders should be a top priority. Who wouldn’t want safer streets?

11. Rebuild Our Cities and Make Them Safe, Clean, and Beautiful Again

Cities across the country are facing rising crime, homelessness, and urban decay. It’s time to clean up our cities, rebuild infrastructure, and restore safety. America’s cities should be places of pride, not lawlessness.

12. Strengthen and Modernize Our Military

A strong military is vital for national defense. Investing in the best equipment and training ensures that America remains the most powerful nation on Earth, capable of defending itself and its allies.

13. Keep the U.S. Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency

The strength of the dollar is a major factor in global stability. By ensuring that the U.S. dollar remains the world’s reserve currency, we maintain our influence in international markets and secure our economic future.

14. Protect Social Security and Medicare with No Cuts

Seniors and those nearing retirement have paid into Social Security and Medicare their entire lives. These programs must be protected—no cuts, no changes to the retirement age. It’s time to keep our promises to those who built this country.

15. Cancel the Electric Vehicle Mandate and Cut Burdensome Regulations

Americans should have the freedom to choose the vehicle they drive. Cancelling the electric vehicle mandate and cutting unnecessary regulations will allow businesses to thrive, and workers to keep more of their paychecks.

16. Cut Federal Funding for Schools Pushing Radical Agendas

Our children deserve an education, not political indoctrination. Schools that push Critical Race Theory and radical gender ideology need to be held accountable. Let’s focus on teaching math, science, and history instead of pushing inappropriate content on our kids.

17. Keep Men Out of Women’s Sports

This isn’t controversial—it’s just common sense. Biological males should not be competing in women’s sports. Protecting the integrity of women’s athletics is about fairness and equality.

18. Deport Pro-Hamas Radicals and Make College Campuses Safe

Our universities should be centers of learning, not breeding grounds for radical ideologies. Anyone promoting violence or supporting terrorism needs to go. Safety and patriotism should come first on college campuses.

19. Secure Our Elections

Free and fair elections are the foundation of democracy. Same-day voting, voter ID, and paper ballots are essential to ensure that every vote is legitimate. Securing our elections means securing our nation’s future.

20. Unite the Country and Bring America to New Levels of Success

At the end of the day, all of these policies are about making America stronger, safer, and more prosperous. By focusing on what unites us—economic growth, security, and freedom—we can bring the country to new heights of success.

Are You In Favor of These Policies?

If these policies make sense to you, then congratulations! You just agreed with a platform designed to restore America’s greatness. Every one of these common-sense ideas is part of a larger vision to put America back on top. The question is—are you ready for that kind of change?

Congrats you can now make an informed vote……. read more policies here……….you can’t find any policies here.

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