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COVID-19 has not gone away and is gaining strength in Costa Rica

QCOSTARICA — While COVID-19 may seem a far distant past for most, but, the virus has not gone away and is gaining strength in Costa Rica.

In the latest epidemiological bulletin by the Ministerio de Salud (Ministry of Health), there were 308 positive cases, three deaths, and 47 hospitalized only in the first six days of the year.

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If you are one of those who has let down their guard, thinking that COVID-19 is a thing of the past, best reconsider.

According to Salud, other respiratory viruses, as well as influenza, are added to the already confirmed COVID-19 cases.

Recently, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) asked the authorities of the countries in the region to “maintain and strengthen surveillance of respiratory viruses to detect increases in the activity of acute respiratory disease.”

It also recommends keeping the health care system prepared and alert at all levels, to respond to a possible increase in outpatient cases and hospitalizations.

According to PAHO, high levels of acute respiratory disease activity have been observed during 2023 and higher incidences are occurring than expected for this season.

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, reported last week that there were nearly 10,000 deaths from COVID-19 reported in December. He said hospitalizations in the Americas and Europe increased by 42% over the same month.

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That is why it is best not to let our guard down and return to simple preventive measures, such as washing hands and using a mask, if necessary, to avoid a serious case of a respiratory virus, including COVID-19.



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