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Costa Rica is the only OECD country that reported negative inflation last year

QCOSTARICA — The variation in the prices of goods and services in Costa Rica reached -1.8% in 2023, being the only country among the OECD countries with negative inflation.

“This is good news and evidence that we are on the right path,” said Francisco Gamboa, Minister of Economy, Industry and Commerce (MEIC).

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Turkey is the country with the highest inflation, followed by Colombia, Iceland, the Czech Republic and Poland.

And with lower inflations, Italy, Latvia, Denmark, Lithuania and the Netherlands stand out.

For this year, inflation is expected to return to the target tolerance range, which would be more or less 3% in the fourth quarter of 2024, according to Central Bank projections.

In January, a monthly variation of 0.06% was reported and there was an increase in the prices of many imported products, potatoes, onions, and electricity. Those that are falling in price are gasoline, airline tickets, tomatoes, eggs and cilantro, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses.

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