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Costa Rica Is #3 of the Best Countries in Latin America for Remote Work ⋆ The Costa Rica News

Costa Rica is ranked third among the best countries in Latin America for remote work, according to NordLayer, a cybersecurity company.With an overall score of 0.6, our country is placed among the favorites in the region and in 53rd place in the world.The 2023 Global Remote Work Index measures four main dimensions: cybersecurity, economics, physical and digital infrastructure, and social security.

A safe and secure digital environment

The first criterion covers factors that ensure a safe and secure digital environment necessary for remote work such as the integrity of the infrastructure, the ability to respond to digital threats and the level of legislation aimed at cybersecurity.

Economic aspects

The second involves economic aspects of living and working in a particular country, and covers the cost of living, access to healthcare, ease of communication, and opportunities for quality leisure time.

In terms of infrastructure, the country’s digital capabilities are considered to provide and support a stable, fast and extensive Internet service and ensure physical and safe conditions for travel.

Social and physical security

Finally, social and physical security issues related to working and living remotely, as well as other general security issues against crime within a country are analyzed with metrics that evaluate equity and access to human rights.Costa Rica obtained 0.5 in cybersecurity and physical and digital infrastructure, and 0.7 in economic and social security.

The study data was collected during the first half of 2023 and 108 countries were analyzed to rank the best destinations for remote work.Uruguay was chosen as the best country in Latin America for remote work, followed by Chile.Brazil, Mexico and Panama are other destinations in the top 10.Worldwide, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Sweden occupy the top positions.

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