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Costa Rica Calls to Promote Affirmative Actions in Favor of the Afro-Descendant Population ⋆ The Costa Rica News

With a powerful call, this past Monday Costa Rica asked all member countries of the Organization of American States (OAS) to do everything possible to banish any signs of racism, while emphasizing the need to promote affirmative actions in favor of the Afro-descendant population.

International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade

During an extraordinary session of the OAS to commemorate the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade in Washington, United States, Ricardo Sossa, Commissioner of Social Inclusion of our country, referred to the commitments of Costa Rica and the need to take action.

Affirmative actions are public policies whose objective is to compensate for the conditions that discriminate against certain social groups from the exercise of their rights. They are also known as “positive actions”, “positive measures”, “reverse discrimination” and “positive discrimination”.

Still facing considerable challenges

“In this framework, it is important to recognize that, although we have achieved significant progress through legal instruments and regional cooperation, we still face considerable challenges in the access and exercise of rights and opportunities for people of African descent in our societies. It is crucial to adopt affirmative actions and strategies that promote respect and guarantees for the rights of people of African descent. Therefore, in addition to supporting this declaration, we must work together to implement public policies that specifically address the needs of Afro-descendant populations, promoting equal opportunities,” said Sossa.The Permanent Council of the OAS held an extraordinary meeting under the theme “World freedom: free yourself from mental slavery.

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