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Costa Rica Announces End to Electricity Cuts ⋆ The Costa Rica News

The Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) has made a crucial announcement for all Costa Ricans: the electricity cuts planned for the following days are suspended thanks to the notable increase in rains during the last time periods.

Improvement in Cachi reservoir

The Cachí reservoir, one of the fundamental pillars of the national electrical system, has experienced an impressive increase of nearly seven meters in just three days. This growth has made it possible to maintain energy reserve levels without the need to resort to rationing.

The days without cuts are added to a series of days without interruptions, including Monday and Tuesday of this week. If conditions continue to improve, reservoir levels are expected to reach optimal levels to ensure smooth power supply.

Sufficient reserves

“The analysis carried out by the Electrical System Operation and Control Division (DOCSE) of ICE indicates that we have sufficient reserves to satisfy demand these days. This is due to the improvement in national energy reserves, the increase in the production of run-of-the-river plants, the increase in wind speed and the purchases made in the Regional Electricity Market (MER),” the entity stated in their statement.

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