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Consumer confidence fell in May

QCOSTARICA — A decrease of almost 5 percentage points was reported in May in consumer confidence, reaching 45.3 points on a scale from zero to 100, according to a survey conducted by the University of Costa Rica (UCR).

The drop reflects a decrease of 4.8 points since February and shows growing economic uncertainty, especially among women, people with a lower educational level and households with fewer financial resources.

Expectations about monthly household income for the next 12 months remained stable: 53.4% ​​expect higher income, 17.6% expect the same income, and 26.6% expect lower income.

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Regarding interest rates, 47.7% of consumers expect increases, 31.4% believe they will remain the same and 12.2% expect a decrease.

The rating of the government’s economic policy also remains negative, with a balance of -27 percentage points: 17.4% rated the policy as “good” and 44.1% as “poor.” This opinion is reflected in expectations of an increase in poverty (45.3%) and unemployment (33.1%).

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