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Chiquita’s Banana Bonanza: A Decade More of Dancing with Biodiversity in Costa Rica

In a move that could only be described as “apeeling,” Chiquita Brands has swung into action with a commitment that’s as bold as their bananas are yellow. Doubling down on their devotion to the environment, Chiquita has peeled back the curtain to reveal an extension of their protection for the Nogal Reserve in Costa Rica for an additional ten fruitful years. This announcement comes hot on the heels of the latest executive decree by the Costa Rican government, marking a significant milestone in Chiquita’s journey towards sustainability.

The Nogal Reserve, a lush sanctuary established through a blend of Chiquita’s vision and its clients’ support, is blowing out twenty candles this year. As part of the celebration, Chiquita plans to keep the party going by continuing its conservation efforts, promoting environmental education, enhancing local communities’ quality of life, and setting the standard for banana industry biodiversity.

For nearly two bananas…er, decades, Chiquita has been at the forefront of forest connectivity, conservation, and scientific research. Nestled between the Sucio River and a banana plantation, the Nogal Reserve serves as a vital “highway” for wildlife, connecting three forest fragments with the surrounding protected areas. This ecological expressway ensures the long-term preservation and thriving diversity of the region.

Peter Stedman, Chiquita’s Director of Sustainability and possibly part-time jungle explorer, couldn’t contain his excitement. “Pledging an additional ten years to the Nogal Reserve demonstrates our unwavering commitment to Mother Nature’s dance floor,” he exclaimed. “This decree empowers us to continue our quest for a greener tomorrow, proving that Chiquita isn’t just about bananas; it’s about making a positive impact on our planet.”

With a little help from their friends at the German Society for International Cooperation, the Rainforest Alliance, and the Costa Rican government, Chiquita has implemented a smorgasbord of sustainability initiatives. These efforts have led to the protection of over 720 plant and 330 animal species within the 257-acre paradise that is the Nogal Reserve.

This decree isn’t just another leaf in Chiquita’s sustainability book. It’s a testament to the company’s “Behind the Blue Sticker” philosophy, which has been the backbone of its environmental efforts for nearly three decades. From the “30BY30” Carbon Reduction Program to its comprehensive Sustainability Report, Chiquita is proving that it’s possible to enjoy your banana and eat it too—sustainably, that is.

As Chiquita continues its journey of conservation and sustainability, it serves as a reminder that even the smallest actions (or fruits) can make a big difference in the world. So, the next time you peel back a Chiquita banana, remember that it’s not just a snack—it’s a symbol of a commitment to a healthier, greener planet.

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