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Brace for Winds and Rain: Costa Rica’s Unique End-of-Year Weather Forecast

Costa Rica’s Weather Rollercoaster: Windy and Wet Finale to the Year

As 2023 draws to a close, Costa Rica braces for a meteorological plot twist, courtesy of the ninth cold push from the northern hemisphere. The Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN) forecasts a gusty performance starting this Saturday night, with an encore expected to last through New Year’s Eve and possibly into early January.

The Gusts: A Windy Serenade

The Valley Central is set to experience an orchestral movement of winds, with speeds playing between 40 and 65 km/h. Meanwhile, the northern Pacific, both in its mountainous symphonies and lower notes, anticipates winds reaching 40 to 70 km/h, with local crescendos peaking at 85 km/h. It seems Mother Nature is tuning her instruments for a windy recital.

Rain: Nature’s Percussion

Adding to this natural concert, the IMN anticipates an increase in cloud cover over the Caribbean slope and northern zone on Sunday. The rhythm of rain is expected to start in the early hours, with moderate intensity beats in the afternoon and evening. Rainfall could range between 20 to 65 mm in a 24-hour period, making its debut after midnight on Saturday.

The Windy Prelude

Even before the main event, moderate winds have been rehearsing in the east and mountains of the Valley Central, as well as in the country’s northern tip. Gusts are currently conducting their prelude, varying between 35 and 55 km/h, with special guest appearances reaching 67 km/h at Cerro Chirripó.

Expert Insights: The Meteorological Maestro Speaks

José Pablo Valverde, a meteorologist at the IMN, notes an atmospheric pressure crescendo in Central America and the Caribbean Sea, thanks to the arrival of cold push No. 9. “This phenomenon is located over the eastern coasts of Honduras and towards the north of the Caribbean Sea,” he conducts.

Safety Measures: A Cautionary Chorus

The IMN suggests some key measures in anticipation of these intense winds, akin to a safety symphony:

  • Roof and Electrical Safety: Guard against potential impacts on roofs, electrical wiring, signs, trees, particularly in mountainous areas.
  • Navigational Caution: With increased turbulence and choppy sea conditions, caution is advised in navigation, especially in the northern Pacific, Gulf of Nicoya, and north of the Central Pacific.
  • Fire Control: Avoid all kinds of burning as they can escalate rapidly under windy conditions.

Harmonizing with Nature’s Rhythms

As Costa Rica tunes in to the end of the year, residents and visitors are encouraged to harmonize with these unique weather patterns. By taking necessary precautions, everyone can ensure a safe and melodious transition into the new year.

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