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Biden Agrees to Debate Trump; Rule & Conditions Set; The ‘Come On Man’ Trump Card

In an unprecedented twist to presidential debates, President Joe Biden has reportedly agreed to debate former President Donald Trump under conditions so bizarre, they might as well be from a political satire. The Biden campaign, known for its meticulous approach to public speaking, has seemingly pushed the envelope into the realm of absurdity. Here’s the lowdown on what might be the most entertaining presidential debate in American history, or at least in a satirical universe.

The Unusual Debate Conditions: A Peek into Biden’s Master Plan

First off, President Biden’s team has demanded that he be given the questions and answers that will be discussed in the debate. This unusual request ensures that Biden will be as prepared as a student with an exam’s answer sheet. It seems the Biden camp is leaving no stone unturned to guarantee a flawless performance.

But wait, there’s more. In a move that’s raising eyebrows across both aisles, Biden also wants to be privy to every word, sigh, and probably every breath that Trump plans to take during the debate. This level of preparation might put even the most thorough high school debater to shame.

Teleprompter Triumphs: Biden’s Secret Weapon

Adding to the surreal nature of this political showdown, Biden has also asked for a teleprompter to be present during the debate. Critics suggest that this might be to ensure he stays on script, but supporters argue it’s just Biden embracing technology. After all, why rely on memory when you have a screen?

The ‘Come On Man’ Clause: Biden’s Debate Escape Hatch

Perhaps the most astonishing of Biden’s demands is the implementation of the ‘Come On Man’ clause. Under this rule, if at any point during the debate Biden utters the phrase “Come On Man,” he has the authority to immediately cut the live feed of the debate. This power move could potentially leave Trump speaking to an empty room or, more accurately, a turned-off camera.

Trump’s Reaction: From Bewilderment to Anticipation

Not to be outdone, Trump’s reaction to these demands has ranged from sheer bewilderment to what some insiders describe as giddy anticipation. Rumors are swirling that Trump might be planning to turn this into a spectacle, with theatrical responses to Biden’s teleprompter and possibly a counter-catchphrase to combat the ‘Come On Man’ clause.

Political Analysts Weigh In: A Debate or a Sitcom?

Political analysts are divided on this development. Some see it as a masterstroke in debate strategy, while others are wondering if they’ve accidentally tuned into a political sitcom. The consensus, however, is that this will be a debate like no other, potentially drawing viewership numbers that rival Super Bowl figures.

Public Reaction: From Outrage to Amusement

Public reaction has been a mix of outrage, amusement, and sheer disbelief. Social media is already abuzz with memes, gifs, and speculative commentary on how this debate will unfold. The hashtag #ComeOnManDebate has gone viral, with users speculating on how many times the live feed will be cut.

The Buildup to the Debate: A Media Frenzy

The media, meanwhile, is having a field day with this news. Television networks are planning special pre-debate shows, and betting sites have opened books on various aspects of the debate, including the number of times ‘Come On Man’ will be used.

The Final Showdown: A Spectacle Guaranteed

As the date of the debate approaches, the world waits with bated breath to witness what might be the most entertaining and unpredictable presidential debate in history. Whether it will be a triumph of strategy or a comedic farce remains to be seen.

A New Chapter in Presidential Debates

In conclusion, this debate is set to open a new chapter in the history of presidential debates, one that might be remembered more for its theatrics and less for its political substance. Whether this will set a precedent for future debates is uncertain, but one thing is clear – politics, as we know it, is about to get a lot more interesting.

This is Satire

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