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A Costa Rican Miracle of Faith and Healing

Carlo Acutis, known as “God’s influencer” and the “cyber-apostle of the Eucharist,” passed away at the tender age of 15 due to leukemia. Despite his early death, Carlo’s legacy continues to inspire millions, as he is set to become the first ‘millennial saint’ in the history of the Catholic Church.

His life and works have already been credited with miraculous events, including the remarkable recovery of Valeria Valverde, a 21-year-old Costa Rican woman.

Valeria’s story is nothing short of miraculous. Thanks to the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis, she overcame a severe cranioencephalic accident. Her journey of healing has further solidified Carlo’s path to sainthood and brought renewed faith to those who believe in his intercessory power.

The young woman, born in Costa Rica in 2001, pursued her dream of fashion and moved to Florence in 2018. On July 2, 2022, around 4 a.m., she fell off her bicycle, and her life changed.

Faced with such devastating news, Liliana, the girl’s mother, turned to faith. She knelt at Carlo’s grave, prayed fervently, and left a heartfelt letter addressed to the blessed teenager, pleading for his intercession before God for her daughter’s healing. At that moment, doctors had all but given up hope.

In an astonishing turn of events, the hospital reported that Valeria had spontaneously resumed breathing the same day. The following day, she began to move again and partially spoke. On July 18, 2022, a CT scan revealed that the hemorrhage had disappeared.

By August 11, Valeria was transferred to rehabilitation therapy. What was expected to be a lengthy recovery process took only one week.

With a grateful heart, Liliana and Valeria returned to Assisi to give thanks at Carlo’s tomb. Scientists remain baffled by the young girl’s recovery, unable to provide a medical explanation for her rapid and complete healing. The Vatican has since documented the case, attributing the miracle to Carlo Acutis.

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Ileana Fernandez
