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480 deaths from respiratory viruses in four months

QCOSTARICA — The number of deaths from respiratory viruses reached 480 in the hospitals of the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) – public hospitals.

More cases could be reported due to the rainy season, so the CCSS issued an urgent call to the population to adopt preventive measures to help reduce the risk of contagion and avoid saturation of health services.

The week of April 14 to 20 was the most critical, with 40 deaths recorded. During the last week of May, 280 people were hospitalized for respiratory infections, of which 73 were children under nine years old and 55 between 80 and 89 years old.

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On social networks, the CCSS has made an urgent call to the population.

“We call on the population to take measures to save lives, the importance of correct use of hand washing, masks and avoiding sudden changes in temperature,” highlighted Roy Wong McClure, epidemiologist at the Caja.

Main prevention recommendations:

  • Do not expose yourself to the cold without protection.
  • Do not subject yourself to sudden changes in temperature.
  • Adequate ventilation and cleaning of closed environments.
  • Avoid smoking or exposure to cigarette or wood smoke.
  • Balanced diet, moderate physical exercise and rest.
  • Stay away from people with cold or flu symptoms.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing.
  • Wear a mask when leaving home.
  • Have the flu vaccination schedule up to date.
  • If you present symptoms, go immediately for medical evaluation.


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