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19% of Ticos do not contract the Internet because they do not know how to use it

QCOSTARICA — 19% of the people in Costa Rica indicate that they do not have Internet service in their home because they do not know how to use it, according to data obtained through the ICT module of the National Household Survey (ENAHO) of the INEC.

The data demonstrate the challenge that the country has in solving the digital divide.

“These data complement those published by the regulator and allow us to know how people use telecommunications services. Furthermore, in the specific case of the Internet, it shows that there is a knowledge gap that, as a country, we must overcome to expand the benefits of the information and knowledge society,” said Cinthya Arias, president of the Board of Directors of Sutel.

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However, it is important to mention that fixed Internet access services reflected an increase of 29 percentage points in fiber optic connections nationwide between 2019 and 2023, an upward trend that occurs in rural and urban areas.

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