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10 best countries in the world for tourism, according to WEF

Q24N — The United States just won a major honor: being named the best country in the world for travel and tourism in 2024 by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

The ranking is determined by a wide range of criteria, including infrastructure, natural resources, sustainability, labor availability and – since we are talking about the World Economic Fund – competitive prices.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the data focuses on tourism—the business of hotels, airports, attractions, airlines, and the like—and not just what it means to be a traveler on the ground.

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Europe in the lead

Six of the top 10 countries on the list are in Europe, with Spain being the best placed. The report calls the continent a “resilient destination with strong intraregional travel flows,” and gives it high scores for rail connectivity. There are also points for having strong economies, the good position of the euro and the pound, and the likelihood that Europeans will travel more, which, in turn, means spending money.

It is not surprising that France obtains a high score, placing itself in fourth position in the general classification. The country knows that it has the eyes of the world on it with a view to the Olympic Games to be held this year in Paris.

Another factor taken into account is the power of many European passports. Each year, the Henley Index ranks the world’s most powerful passports, and its data has been included in the WEF report. By 2024, six countries share the top spot: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore and Spain. Five of these nations appear in the WEF top 10, with Singapore in a respectable 13th place.

The Panorama in Asia

“In 2024, global tourism growth is expected to be bolstered by continued meeting pent-up demand and growth in key Asian markets following the lifting of travel restrictions after a delay compared to other regions.” , the report states.

This is certainly true in Japan, third country in this year’s ranking, which has seen a tourism boom since its reopening after the pandemic. More than three million foreign tourists a month visited Japan in both March and April 2024, and more are expected during the upcoming summer holidays.

For its part, China, which occupies eighth place, has taken some measures in recent months to facilitate the visit of tourists. In March, it lifted the visa requirement for residents of several European countries, including Ireland, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

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It is also easier than ever for Americans to visit China, as they no longer need to submit an itinerary or proof of hotel reservation to obtain a travel visa.

American Beauty

Although the United States is the only North American country in the top 10, its neighbor Canada is in 11th place.

According to the WEF, the United States is a “mature” tourism market, meaning it already has infrastructure in place to welcome visitors, such as air connections between cities and support on the ground, such as tour guides, rental cars, hotel rooms. and maps.

The size and scope of the United States helps it stand out: from national parks to big cities and beaches, there is a wide variety of offerings for travelers.

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However, there is a potential caveat amid the praise. According to the report, the United States is likely to suffer from a tourism labor shortage. As in many other places around the world, the pandemic has largely contributed to people leaving the hospitality sector to work elsewhere.

Good tourism versus excessive tourism

It seems impossible to look at a list of the most popular countries for tourists without also recognizing that in some places overtourism is the problem. The United States and China have the advantage of being large and having a lot of space, which helps distribute the flow of visitors.

However, not all top 10 destinations are so lucky. In second place in Spain, Barcelona voted to keep cruise ships away from the city center, while citizens of the Canary Islands have taken to the streets – and even threatened a hunger strike – to protest against the excessive tourism.

Italy, in ninth position, has also struggled to balance its thriving tourism market with the needs of local communities.

Venice began charging a “tourist tax” to enter the city last month, and the northern region of Bolzano – South Tyrol has limited its hotel capacity, allowing a new hotel to open only if another has closed.

The list of the 10 best countries:

  1. United States

  2. Spain

  3. Japan

  4. France

  5. Australia

  6. Germany

  7. United Kingdom

  8. China

  9. Italy

  10. Switzerland

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