Anything & Everything Costa Rica

Kölbi brand withdraws advertising on Teletica for being critical of government

QCOSTARICA — The Kölbi brand, owned by the state telecom, Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), announced this Thursday the withdrawal of advertising from the program “El Chinamo” from Televisora ​​de Costa Rica (Teletica Channel 7).

In addition, it said that it will consider permanently removing advertising from the media outlet.

Among the reasons, the State company said it is because of the characteristic ironic content in the traditional section “El Chinaoke” and in recent days, the television station being critical of the government for the state of the country’s insecurity, the situation of the Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social (CCSS), the “Caso Barrenador” and other problems plaguing the country.

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In the statement on Thursday, the State company said “Kölbi has decided to disassociate itself from the El Chinamo program and will analyze the permanence of its advertising on Teletica Channel 7″, citing the show’s content “does not agree with the values ​​of the brand.”

“Given its Costa Rican origin, Kölbi stays away from situations that promote or expose violence implicitly or explicitly, discrimination, apology for crime or parody of the suffering of victims,” continued the statement.

The state telecom added that it will soon announce the decision on whether it permanently pull advertising on the television channel.


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