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Does She Even Have Any? – The Costa Rican Times

If you’ve taken the time to visit Kamala Harris’ official website, you might have noticed something strange. While you’d expect to find a detailed breakdown of her policies—after all, she is running for president—you’ll quickly realize that her website barely scratches the surface. It begs the question: does Kamala Harris have any actual policies to run on, or is her campaign simply a collection of sound bites with no real substance?

This is a question that many voters need to ask themselves, especially those planning to cast their ballot for her in the 2024 election. Let’s dive into the mystery of Harris’ missing policies and tackle some uncomfortable truths about her political career.

No Clear Policy Agenda – A Red Flag?

A visit to Kamala Harris’ website might leave you feeling more confused than informed. The lack of concrete policy proposals is glaring. One would think that someone who has served as Vice President and seeks the presidency would have a comprehensive platform ready to present to the American people. So why the radio silence? Could it be that she doesn’t have a clear policy agenda to offer?

For someone who claims to champion the middle class, it’s puzzling that there’s little to no evidence on her website supporting these claims. Middle-class workers, small business owners, and everyday Americans looking for a leader who understands their concerns will struggle to find any solid proposals from Harris that back up her so-called support for them.

A Challenge for Harris Supporters: Why Are You Voting for Her?

Here’s a simple challenge for anyone planning to vote for Kamala Harris: can you explain why you’re supporting her without mentioning Donald Trump? It’s a legitimate question that voters should be able to answer. Unfortunately, most of Harris’ supporters seem to rely on their disdain for Trump as their primary motivation. This is deeply problematic because voting for someone simply out of dislike for another candidate is not a sustainable strategy.

So, for anyone reading this who plans to vote for Kamala Harris, ask yourself: Why are you voting for her? Can you name any of her policies that will genuinely benefit you, your family, or your community? It’s worth considering, because if the best argument for her presidency is “She’s not Trump,” that’s not enough to inspire confidence in her leadership.

Is Hatred for Trump Blinding Voters?

One of the most concerning aspects of Harris’ campaign is the overwhelming number of voters supporting her simply because they dislike Donald Trump. But is that really a good reason to vote for someone? It’s no secret that Harris has had a rocky political career, filled with controversies and questionable decisions, and yet, many voters seem willing to overlook all of this just to oppose Trump.

Is that hatred so intense that you’re willing to overlook the fact that Kamala Harris lacks clear, middle-class-focused policies? That she has a history of flip-flopping on issues like criminal justice reform? Or that she has done little to alleviate the economic challenges facing Americans during her time in office?

The truth is, Harris has offered little in terms of concrete solutions to improve the lives of average Americans. Yet, the obsession with defeating Trump has blinded some voters to the fact that Harris may not be the leader the country needs.

Middle-Class Workers: Do Kamala Harris’ Policies Actually Support You?

Kamala Harris frequently claims to be an advocate for middle-class workers. But does her record support that? Not really. If you examine her policies (or lack thereof), you’ll see that she has done little to actually champion the middle class. In fact, many of her proposals have been criticized for disproportionately benefiting large corporations and the wealthy, while offering very little to the hard-working Americans she claims to stand for.

Look at her position on taxes. There’s no clear evidence that she has a plan to alleviate the tax burden on the middle class. And what about healthcare? Harris once supported “Medicare for All” but later backtracked, leaving voters confused about where she actually stands on the issue. This lack of consistency and clarity is troubling for anyone looking for a candidate who will truly fight for the middle class.

If you’re a middle-class worker and you’re considering voting for Harris, take a moment to ask yourself: what has she actually done to support people like you? And more importantly, what does she plan to do? It’s hard to find any real answers.

The Willie Brown Scandal: A Career Built on Questionable Decisions?

Let’s not forget the controversy that has long followed Kamala Harris regarding her early career. It’s been well-documented that she had a personal relationship with Willie Brown, the former Speaker of the California State Assembly. At the time, Harris was 29 years old, and Brown was 60. This relationship reportedly played a role in advancing her career, as Brown himself admitted to helping her secure political appointments. While some may argue that this is ancient history, it does raise questions about the ethics of Harris’ career trajectory.

While no one should be defined by their past relationships, the fact remains that Harris’ political rise was not without help from someone in a position of power. This is not necessarily unique in politics, but it does add another layer to the narrative of her career—a narrative that some voters might find difficult to overlook.

Where Are the Policies?

At the end of the day, a candidate for president should have more to offer than vague promises and negative campaigning. Kamala Harris’ website doesn’t give us much confidence in her vision for the future. Without clear policies, how can voters make an informed decision?

The bottom line is this: Kamala Harris’ platform is woefully lacking in substance, and her track record doesn’t inspire much confidence. If you’re voting for her, ask yourself why—without bringing up Trump. And if you’re struggling to answer that question, maybe it’s time to take a closer look at what she really stands for, or if she stands for anything at all.

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