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Six-lane Cartago overpass to be ready in two months

QCOSTARICA — Before Christmas, is the promise by the ministro de Obras Públicas y Transportes (MOPT), Mauricio Batalla, to Cartago residents. The six-lane overpass on the Ruta 2, which is part of the Traras – La Lima highway megaprojectm in Taras de Cartago, will allow residents to enter and leave their city faster.

Last March, with only a 55% advance in the project, Batallo promised completion in the second half of the year. At that time October or the beginning of November was the targeted completion date.

A work in progress. The MOPT minister promises a December delivery date.

Batalla took over the MOPT portfolio in March, replacing Luis Amador, dismissed by President Rodrigo Chaves, due to questions regarding the terms of reference in a tender for the runway at the Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport in Liberia.

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“Since I took office, I have been following the development of all projects; one of these is Taras – La Lima, and seeing the slow progress, I decided to meet with the contractor to set definitive deadlines, because we are interested in the well-being of the Cartago residents,” stressed the Minister of MOPT, Mauricio Batalla.

The Taras interchange will have two levels: the upper level is made up of a 6-lane overpass (3 in each direction of traffic), each lane with a width of 3.3 meters and shoulders of 0.95 meters. Users of RN 2 (San José-Cartago) will circulate through the overpass; the lower level will have a roundabout, sidewalks and a bike path towards the San Nicolás de Cartago sector.

The execution of this project is in charge of the Road Infrastructure and Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships Program of the MOPT, with the financial support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Initially, Batalla said that the Cartago works would be ready in March 2025. However, by defining the deadlines, the company assumes a series of commitments through a schedule that guarantees rigorous monitoring of the progress of the works.

“This will allow the project to be expedited and the milestones to be completed as planned, except in situations where effects arise due to factors external to the project,” Batalla added.

Before his being named as MOPT minister, Batalla ran the Consejo Nacional de Vialidad (Conavi). When he took office at Conavi in May 2022, he was the target of criticism for a Tweet he had posted before taking office in which he admitted to having driven while intoxicated.

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“I have driven drunk. And I use WA (WhatsApp), email and Twitter while driving. Irresponsible yes, hypocritical no,” Batalla wrote in a tweet on March 31, 2022.

After his appointment at Conavi, this Tweet generated serious criticism on social media, which is why Batalla closed his account.

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