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Who’s Really Running the Country? The U.S. Doesn’t Seem to Have a President Right Now – The Costa Rican Times

Where’s the Leadership?

It’s hard to believe, but it seems like the United States is currently operating without a real president. Yes, Joe Biden is still officially in office, but where is he? And what exactly is he doing? The answer to those questions is murky at best. The mainstream media isn’t talking about it, but anyone paying attention can see that something’s seriously off. Biden has all but disappeared from the public eye, and Kamala Harris is out there campaigning as if she’s already taken over. So, who’s really running the country?

Biden’s Exit: A Strategic Move or a Cover-Up?

Let’s start with the elephant in the room: Joe Biden. The narrative being pushed is that Biden is stepping back to give his party a better chance in the upcoming election. We’re supposed to believe this is all part of some grand strategy. But let’s be honest—Biden’s cognitive decline is no secret. The guy has struggled to string together coherent sentences for a while now, yet the idea that this sudden retreat is purely strategic is laughable.

During his rare appearances, Biden looks more like a figurehead than a functioning leader. The reality is, this isn’t about giving his party a better chance. It’s about covering up the fact that Biden’s mental sharpness has been in question for years. The debate performances, the gaffes, the awkward moments—these weren’t isolated incidents. The party knows it, the voters know it, and the world knows it. The only ones pretending otherwise are those trying to salvage what’s left of this administration’s credibility.

Kamala Harris: The New Face, Same Old Script

As Biden fades into the background, Kamala Harris has stepped up—or has she? Harris is now running for president, but let’s not kid ourselves. She’s hardly been inspiring confidence. Her appearances are tightly controlled, and she rarely speaks without a teleprompter. When she does, it’s clear that she’s reading from a script prepared by someone else. The few interviews she’s done have been taped, and even then, she still struggles to make a compelling case for herself.

What’s even more concerning is that Harris, who’s supposed to be the new face of leadership, is offering more of the same. The country hasn’t noticed any real change since Biden started taking a back seat because the same people pulling his strings are now pulling hers. The policies are the same, the messaging is the same, and the chaos remains unchanged. The only thing different is the face in front of the camera.

Who’s Really in Charge?

This brings us to the big question: If Biden isn’t running the country and Harris is just reading from a script, who’s really in charge? The lack of transparency is staggering. It’s like we’re living in some kind of alternate reality where the president is a ghost, and the vice president is little more than a puppet.

This isn’t just speculation—look around. Biden’s administration has been riddled with the same issues from day one, and nothing has changed now that he’s gone quiet. The so-called “handlers” behind the scenes seem to be running the show, and they’re doing it with minimal public scrutiny. The American people are left to wonder who is making the decisions that affect their daily lives. And while we’re all distracted by the lackluster performance of our leaders, other countries are surely taking notice.

The Global Implications: A Power Vacuum?

If you were China or Russia, what would you be thinking right now? The world’s biggest superpower is essentially operating without a real executive branch. Biden’s barely around, and when he is, it’s clear he’s not the one in charge. Harris, the supposed heir apparent, isn’t exactly projecting strength or competence. For our adversaries, this must feel like an alternate reality where the U.S. has become a sitting duck.

And what happens when they realize this is, in fact, our reality? The potential for a power vacuum in the U.S. is not just a domestic issue; it’s a global concern. Without strong leadership, the U.S. is vulnerable, and that’s not just hyperbole. We’ve already seen Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and China’s growing assertiveness in Taiwan and the South China Sea. A weakened or absent U.S. president only emboldens these nations to push the boundaries further.

The “DEI” President: The Final Nail in the Coffin?

Let’s face it, Kamala Harris wasn’t chosen for her qualifications. Her selection was touted as a win for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), but does that make her the best person to lead the country? She’s already shown that she can’t be trusted to think on her own, relying heavily on scripted appearances and pre-taped interviews.

The scary part is, if the polls are to be believed, a significant number of voters are buying into this charade. They seem willing to accept another four years of misery, thinking that checking off a diversity box is more important than actual leadership. But let’s be clear: putting someone in the Oval Office who can’t think on their own isn’t progress—it’s a disaster waiting to happen.

The Last President of the Country as We Know It?

As we look ahead, it’s hard to shake the feeling that Kamala Harris could be the last president of the United States as we know it. The country is already teetering on the edge, and the current lack of real leadership is pushing us closer to the brink. The Biden administration, now seemingly on autopilot, is a clown show without a ringmaster. And Harris, the supposed future of the party, isn’t the one steering the ship.

If we continue down this path, we may find ourselves in a very different America—one where the executive branch is little more than a puppet show controlled by unseen hands. The stakes are too high to ignore the reality of what’s happening. Voters need to wake up and demand real leadership, not just a figurehead who can read from a teleprompter. The future of the country depends on it.

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