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4 Police officers may be fired or sent to jail for running over and killing dog

QCOSTARICA — The Prosecutor’s Office ordered the Organismo de Investigación Judicial (OIJ)  – Judicial Investigation Agency, to carry out a series of proceedings within the framework of the investigation that continues against four officers of the Fuerza Publica (National Police), suspected of running over and killing a dog on Friday.

The Fiscalía de Flagrancia del II Circuito Judicial de San José (Flagrancy Prosecutor’s Office of the II Judicial Circuit of San José) is awaiting the results of the “forensic tests” ordered “crucial to gather essential evidence for the development of the case,” the court stressed in a press release.

The case, which was assigned the reference number 24-000800-1092-PE, was opened based on a complaint filed by the police force itself, after a video went viral in which two patrol cars are seen running over a dog that was lying on a public road in Purral de Goicoechea.

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From Telenoticias

The incident sparked outrage on social media and angered animal rights groups such as the Association for Animal Welfare and Protection (ABBA).

From Telenoticias. The dog was lying on a public street in Goicochea when allegedly was run over by the two police patrols. A video of the incident is available on social networks, we did not include it here, it is very graphic

Although the Fuera Publica was in charge of arresting and placing four of its officers, the Prosecutor’s Office released them without any request for precautionary measures. In fact, none of the accused were brought before the court of jurisdiction.

The officers, however, were fully identified by the Prosecutor’s Office and the latter even took a statement from them, explained the Minister of Security, Mario Zamora.

This means that the accused were informed about the facts for which they are being investigated and the evidence against them.

Although the four officers will be able to return to their duties, they do face disciplinary actions that could lead to their dismissal, assured Zamora, and possible prison time, provided that a very serious fault of the officers is proven.

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The four have been summoned to a preliminary hearing set for August 13, where they may possibly be formally charged and precautionary measures and sanctions levied against them for the alleged crimes of animal abuse, breach of duty and unrealistic favoritism.

Zamora assured that dismissal is a very real possibility during a press conference on Saturday. “Dismissal is one of the possible consequences,” admitted Zamora.

For his part, the director general of the Fuerza Publica, Marlon Cubillo, said that, following a complaint from the Police itself, the agents were detained and presented to the Prosecutor’s Office on Friday, a few hours after the incident. There, the officers were questioned.

The owner of the dog, who spoke to television news, Telenoticias, on the request that his identity be protected, said that moments after the incident an offer of ¢40,000 colones was made to his wife, but did not know if it was the officers or someone else.

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“A few minutes ago they offered us 40,000 colones to drop the complaint and we said no, because what they did was unusual (…) They have to pay for what they did,” he said.

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