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A Cover-Up for Euthanasia? Conspiracy Theory or Truth? – The Costa Rican Times

In the latest twist in the 2024 election saga, rumors are swirling about President Joe Biden’s recent COVID-19 diagnosis. Could it be that the White House is not telling us the whole story? Some conspiracy theorists suggest that Biden doesn’t actually have COVID. Instead, he’s in Delaware with his family, who are saying their goodbyes. The theory claims that rather than allowing Biden to decline further in public over the next six months, plans are in place to euthanize him and attribute his death to COVID complications. Let’s dive into this wild theory and see what evidence (if any) exists to support it.

The Official Story: Biden’s COVID Diagnosis

First, let’s examine the official narrative. On [insert date], the White House announced that President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19. According to official sources, Biden is experiencing mild symptoms and is being treated with antiviral medications. The public was assured that the President is in good spirits and continuing his duties from isolation.

The Conspiracy Theory: Biden’s Real Condition

Now, let’s delve into the conspiracy theory making rounds on various online platforms. The theory posits that Biden’s COVID diagnosis is a smokescreen. According to conspiracy theorists, Biden’s health has been deteriorating rapidly, and his family has decided to euthanize him to spare the public from witnessing his decline. They argue that this decision has been disguised as a COVID-related health crisis to maintain public sympathy and avoid backlash.

“Evidence” Supporting the Theory

1. Biden’s Frequent Trips to Delaware

One of the key points cited by conspiracy theorists is Biden’s frequent trips to his home in Delaware. They claim that these trips are not merely for relaxation but are opportunities for his family to spend time with him as his health deteriorates.

2. Lack of Transparency

Critics have long accused the Biden administration of a lack of transparency regarding the President’s health. They point to instances where information about Biden’s medical examinations and health updates have been vague or delayed.

3. Public Appearances and Cognitive Decline

There have been numerous instances where Biden appeared to struggle during public appearances, forgetting names, losing his train of thought, and making gaffes. Manyargue that these are signs of severe cognitive decline, which the administration is desperate to hide.

4. Sudden COVID Diagnosis

The timing of Biden’s COVID diagnosis is seen as suspicious by conspiracy theorists. They argue that it conveniently provides an excuse for Biden to remain out of the public eye for an extended period. Also he nominated Kamala and retired from the race via tweets.

The Euthanasia Angle

1. Family Goodbyes

The theory suggests that Biden’s family is currently gathered in Delaware to say their goodbyes. According to this narrative, they have decided that euthanasia is the most humane option, sparing Biden from a prolonged and public decline.

2. COVID Complications as a Cover

By attributing Biden’s death to COVID complications, the administration could maintain public sympathy and avoid the controversy and ethical debates surrounding euthanasia. This would also allow them to control the narrative and transition smoothly to the next phase of their political strategy.

The Role of Media and Public Perception

Mainstream media is complicit in this cover-up. It is believed that the media has been downplaying Biden’s health issues and will continue to do so, ensuring that the public accepts the COVID complications story without question.

Why This Theory Persists

1. Distrust in Government

A significant portion of the American population harbors deep distrust in the government. This distrust fuels conspiracy theories, especially when there are gaps in information or perceived inconsistencies.

2. Biden’s Public Gaffes

Biden’s frequent verbal missteps and apparent confusion during public appearances provide fodder for conspiracy theories about his cognitive health.

3. COVID-19 as a Convenient Scapegoat

The ongoing pandemic provides a convenient and plausible cover story for any sudden changes in health or unexpected deaths, making it an ideal scapegoat for those looking to spin a conspiracy theory.

The Bottom Line

WE will see how this plays out over the next couple of weeks….

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