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An Assassination Attempt That Won Trump the 2024 Presidential Election – The Costa Rican Times

In a shocking turn of events, the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump on July 13th, 2024, has become a pivotal moment in American history. This tragic incident, while deeply concerning, has paradoxically served as a catalyst for national unity and has significantly influenced the political landscape leading up to the 2024 Presidential Election. Here’s why this event is set to reshape America and ensure Trump’s victory in November.

The FBI Investigation: Another Exercise in Futility?

The FBI has launched an investigation into the assassination attempt, but let’s be realistic—do we expect any concrete findings? Given the Bureau’s track record, it’s hard not to draw parallels with the infamous Hunter Biden laptop scandal. Despite mountains of evidence, the investigation into the laptop led nowhere significant, raising questions about the effectiveness and impartiality of federal investigations. Similarly, the investigation into this attempt on Trump’s life is likely to be mired in bureaucratic inertia and political maneuvering.

An Inside Job? The Security Lapse

The staggering failure in security that allowed the assassination attempt to occur begs the question: Was this an inside job? The breach was too significant to be mere incompetence. The alarming ease with which the would-be assassin got close to Trump suggests a deeper, more insidious plot. It’s not far-fetched to suspect that elements within the establishment, threatened by Trump’s potential return to power, orchestrated this lapse in security. The American public deserves answers, and it’s high time for accountability within our security apparatus.

The Media and Biden: Forced to Tone Down

In the wake of the assassination attempt, the media and President Joe Biden have found themselves in a precarious position. The relentless attacks and vitriol directed at Trump have had to be toned down out of necessity and respect. It’s a significant shift in the political discourse, as the media’s constant barrage against Trump is now seen in a different light. This forced moderation will inadvertently work in Trump’s favor, as his narrative of being a persecuted outsider gains more traction.

The Iconic Image: Bloodied but Unbowed

One of the most powerful images to emerge from this tragic event is that of Trump, bloodied but defiant, with his fist raised in the air. This image is set to become a defining symbol of resilience and determination. It resonates deeply with the American electorate, evoking a sense of shared struggle and unwavering resolve. In the minds of voters, Trump is now not just a candidate but a symbol of endurance and tenacity in the face of adversity.

The Path to Victory: A Landslide in November

Given these unprecedented circumstances, it is increasingly clear that Trump is poised for a landslide victory in November—if he remains in the race. The assassination attempt has galvanized his base and garnered sympathy from even his detractors. The nation’s response has shown a rare moment of unity, with Americans rallying around the former President. His campaign has been reinvigorated, and the momentum is undeniable.

The assassination attempt on former President Trump on July 13th, 2024, was a dark day for America, but it has also become a moment of profound significance. The ensuing FBI investigation is likely to yield little, echoing past failures. The possibility of an inside job raises serious questions about our security institutions. Meanwhile, the media and Biden administration are compelled to adopt a more measured tone, inadvertently aiding Trump’s cause. The powerful imagery of Trump’s resilience will resonate with voters, setting the stage for a historic landslide victory in November.

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