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Costa Ricans are 10th country in Latin America who would consider emigrating if they could

QCOSTARICA — Costa Rica is positioned as the 10th country in Latin America where people consider it “very likely” to emigrate if they had the necessary resources, according to a survey published by CID Gallup in January.

When asked: “If you had the resources to do so, how likely is it that you would emigrate to another country?”, 23% of Costa Ricans surveyed answered that they would be willing to move in search of better opportunities.

The results varied significantly between different countries, reflecting various economic, political, and social realities that influence the migration decisions of their citizens.

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The Dominican Republic tops the list with 47% of its population seriously considering the possibility of emigrating.

They are followed by Ecuador with 43% and Honduras with 41%.

At the other extreme, Panama occupies last place with 20%, standing out for its lower percentage of migratory intention.

Differences in intention to emigrate rates can be attributed to a variety of factors. In many cases, economic reasons play a fundamental role. The search for better job opportunities, higher salaries and more favorable living conditions are common impulses for those considering leaving their country.

On the other hand, political and social factors can also have a significant influence. Political stability, citizen security, and the quality of public services are aspects that people evaluate when making the decision to emigrate. In countries where these factors are compromised, the intention to seek better conditions abroad tends to be higher.

Costa Rica is located in an intermediate position within the regional spectrum. This percentage reflects the concerns of a significant part of the population, which seeks to improve their living conditions abroad.

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Despite its reputation as a stable country with high rates of human development compared to other countries in the region, the country faces economic and social challenges that may motivate its citizens to consider emigration as a viable option.

The study was carried out through personal interviews and telephone calls, with a minimum sample of 1,200 people per country, covering a total of eleven Latin American countries:

  1. Dominican Republica, 47%
  2. Ecuador, 43%
  3. Honduras, 41%
  4. Bolivia, 39%
  5. Nicaragua, 37%
  6. Peru, 35%
  7. Guatemala, 30%
  8. Colombia, 30%
  9. El Salvador, 27%
  10. Costa Rica, 23%
  11. Panama, 20%

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