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How many same-sex couples have married and divorced in Costa Rica?

QCOSTARICA — Since marriage equality became law in Costa Rica on May 26, 2020, the country has seen many unions and some divorces between same-sex couples, reflecting historic progress in civil rights.

According to data from the Registro Civil (Civil Registry), 3,129 same-sex couples have tied the knot in Costa Rica, broken down to 1,700 marriages between men and 1,429 between women.

Also, 236 of these marriages were carried out outside the country, under foreign jurisdiction or in Costa Rican consulates.

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By province, San José heads the list with 1,442 registered marriages, followed by Alajuela with 473, Heredia with 357, Cartago with 210, Puntarenas with 190, Guanacaste with 152, and Limón with 69.

Along with the marriages, a total of 52 same-sex couples divorced.

This phenomenon is indicative not only of the legal and social recognition that the LGBTQ+ community has gained in the country, but also of the challenges and realities that all couples face, regardless of their sexual orientation.

The process of legalizing gay marriage in Costa Rica was lengthy and contentious beginning in the 1990s and culminating in the passing of the law in 2020.

This change has positioned Costa Rica as one of the most LGBTQ+ friendly countries in Latin America, ranking eighth in the Equaldex, the LGBT Equality Index, with an average score of 66 points.

Despite advances in legal rights, the country still faces challenges in terms of public perception and social acceptance of sexual diversity.

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