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Costa Rica under “green alert” due to tropical wave

QCOSTARICA — The Comisión Nacional de Emergencias (CNE)  – National Emergency Commission – placed the entire country under “green alert” this Tuesday as tropical wave #4, currently located over the eastern part of Panama, is approaching Costa Rica.

Besides the impact of tropical wave #4, the CNE decision for the alert also takes into account what the Intertropical Convergence Zone has been up to in the last few days.

The impact on Wednesday is heavy downpours with thunderstorms on the Pacific slope, specifically in the mountains of the Central Pacific and in general in the South Pacific, while for the North Pacific, it would be isolated.

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As for the Central Valley, we can expect intermittent rains on Wednesday.

A “green alert” is an alert for an exceptional state or condition declared by the CNE, with the intention of developing operational actions aimed at guaranteeing an effective response due to the probable manifestation or occurrence of an event that causes an emergency situation.

The alert is issued when scientific-technical bodies predict a phenomenon that could affect or endanger a community, region, or country.

Source: Comision National de Emergencias

The next level alert is “amarilla” (yellow) or preparation; “naranja” (orange) or mobilization or containment; and “roja” (red) or response. See here the actions of each alert status (in Spanish).

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