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Artist Who Became a Millionaire for Painting Famous Facebook Mural Visited Costa Rica ⋆ The Costa Rica News

David Choe, the prominent Korean artist known among other things for painting Facebook murals and receiving some shares as payment, before the company grew exponentially, was visiting Costa Rica.

Thrifty reward

It is said that Choe received $200 million for the shares at the time.It also highlights Choe’s move from the museum world to the media world, with appearances on Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown (CNN) and VICE (HBO).

Being here before

“In the first, Choe was a featured guest and in the second he served as both host and interviewer in multiple episodes; both shows won Emmys that year for ‘Outstanding News Series,” he highlights on his site.In addition, he has illustrated album covers for prominent artists and worked for companies such as Marvel , DC Comics, Sony Pictures, among others.

The artist arrived in the country on May 15 and left on the 22nd, according to the General Directorate of Immigration.This is not the first time he has been to Costa Rica, his previous visits were in 2016, 2021 and 2022.

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