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The Tragic Tale of Codey Vargas in Costa Rica – The Costa Rican Times

Tragedy Strikes a U.S. Veteran Abroad

Codey Vargas, a U.S. Army National Guard veteran, has endured a horrific ordeal following a severe accident in Costa Rica on March 20. The incident left him with a multitude of grave injuries including severe head trauma, a collapsed lung, multiple fractured ribs, paralyzed intestines, pneumonia, facial fractures, and numerous abrasions. The gravity of the situation only came to light when the U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica informed his mother, Debra Vargas, nearly two weeks later on April 2.

A Mother’s Desperate Journey

Upon receiving the harrowing news, Debra Vargas, herself a nurse, rushed to Costa Rica to be by her son’s side. She found him in a dire state, confined to a hospital bed where he had been for 30 days, motionless except for minimal movements to prevent bedsores. The medical team in Costa Rica performed critical procedures including a craniotomy to alleviate brain pressure and a tracheotomy to assist his breathing. Despite their efforts, Codey slipped into a coma, with swelling in his brain so severe that doctors have maintained him in a vegetative state to manage the injury.

Raising Funds for Urgent Care

Recognizing the limitations of the care available in Costa Rica for such specialized needs, Debra Vargas turned to GoFundMe to raise funds for her son’s medical expenses and his eventual medical transport back to the United States. The campaign has seen a heartwarming response, raising over $49,000 from at least 607 donations as of April 22. The funds are earmarked for ongoing medical costs and the significant expense of transporting Codey to a U.S. hospital where he can receive the comprehensive care he urgently requires.

A Veteran’s Battle at Home

Before this tragic accident, Codey Vargas had served in Kuwait in 2014 with the Army National Guard. His service was cut short by an injury, leading to an honorable discharge. His mother’s poignant words on the fundraising page remind us of his sacrifice: “Codey is a veteran. He fought for our country, he fought for lives, and now Codey needs ‘us’—our country—to fight for his.”

Challenges and Hope

The complexity of Codey’s medical condition is compounded by the lack of certain medical specialists in the Costa Rican hospital, including a pulmonologist critical for managing his lung conditions. Debra’s experience as a nurse gives her a unique insight into the potential risks and complications her son faces if he remains in his current situation without access to specialized care.

A Nationwide Call to Action

Debra is actively working with the U.S. Embassy and Congressional leaders to facilitate her son’s transfer to a suitable hospital in the United States via a medical transport plane. The urgency of this situation has galvanized support from around the globe, as people come together to support a veteran in dire need.

How to Help

For those moved by Codey’s story and wishing to contribute to his journey to recovery, donations can be made through his GoFundMe page, which is accessible here. Each contribution brings Codey one step closer to the care he desperately needs and underscores the community’s commitment to supporting one of its own in a time of need.

Codey Vargas’s tragic ordeal is a sobering reminder of the vulnerabilities life can present and the profound impact of community support during a crisis. It also highlights the challenges of navigating foreign medical systems and the critical importance of having access to comprehensive medical care.

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