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Sale of BCR, exploitation of natural gas, Ciudad Gobierno and marina for Limón could be decided by referendum

QCOSTARICA — Given the ideological division that Costa Rica is experiencing and the need to make decisions that favor the country, former legislator and perennial presidential candidate, Otto Guevara, proposed to President Rodrigo Chaves to hold a multi-issue referendum to decide on the development of Cuidad Gobierno (Government City), the sale of the Banco de Costa Rica (BCR) and the construction of a marina and cruise terminal for Limón.

Guevara adds that the proposals for the 4×3 workdays and the exploitation of natural gas and gold in the community of Crucitas can also be elucidated through direct democratic means.

The proposal arises at a time when Costa Rica president Rodrigo Chaves faces legal problems, due to the warnings of the Comptroller’s Office and the opposition of legislators to many of these projects.

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With a referendum, a vote similar to presidential elections is organized, where all Costa Ricans of legal age can decide on one or several issues.

In this case, a direct consultation is raised about the approval or not of various bills and the voter only states yes or no.

The call for referendum requires 29 of the 57 votes in the Legislative Assembly to make it a reality.

The other way is to get the signatures of 5% of the electoral roll. Legislators can also call the referendum themselves, but with 38 votes.

“Today we face an ideological and emotional polarization that complicates decision-making, for that reason, I propose to the Executive Branch to use the multi-issue referendum, for which it will require the support of at least 29 deputies in the Legislative Assembly, or, obtain the signature of the 5% of the electoral roll,” said Guevara.

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The referendum law prohibits the inclusion of certain topics in a popular consultation, such as issues related to budgetary, tax, fiscal, monetary, credit, pension, security, approval of loans and contracts, or acts of an administrative nature.

The other restriction is that it cannot be done 6 months before or after a presidential election.

After stating that it is a delicate issue and that it involves many interests, Chaves did not rule out last January the holding of a referendum to “fix the State.”

Of course, the president seemed to refer more to the powers and limits of the State and not so much to specific bills that he supports; which he could promote with a change to the Constitution, or through a multi-issue referendum as Guevara points out.

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In response to a question from the press, Chaves indicated that this proposal was being evaluated with a group of lawyers.

“I don’t want to get involved in calling a referendum right now because we are busy getting the country out of what was an imminent crisis two years ago. There are many people who want it. We discussed with a group of lawyers about holding a Constituent Assembly and calling it through a referendum, but the Constitutional Court has already expressed itself and said that they are not going to allow it, so we have to think about it, I do not rule it out.

“It is a delicate decision, many people are going to be very uncomfortable and will fight it to the death. Like all delicate things in life, we are evaluating it, we are thinking about it (…) There are groups in this country that want it and want it soon. Let’s see what Rodrigo Chaves will do when there are stronger initiatives. , for now I reserve that,” said Chaves.

These are the proposals that could be discussed through a referendum

  • Flexibility of working hours (4/3)
  • Harmonization of the national electricity market
  • Eliminate the obligation to buy food from the CNP
  • Eliminate minimum professional fee rates
  • Gold exploitation in the Cutris district that covers the Crucitas area
  • Sale of the BCR
  • Sale of BICSA
  • Modification of the law for administrative contracting for the construction of the Cuidad Gobierno
  • Modification of the JAPDEVA law to authorize public-private alliance for the construction and operation of a marina and cruise terminal
  • Natural gas exploitation


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