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Saving and planning a year in advance to pay the Marchamo is ideal

QCOSTARICA — In less than 3 weeks, the Marchamo or annual circulation permit is due. For many, paying the Marchamo always represents a major expense.

Diana León, investment fund advisor at Vista SFI

To not fall into unnecessary debt or incur penalties such as a traffic fine, the ideal is to prepare for the Marchamo one year in advance, says Diana León, investment fund advisor. investment of Vista SFI, which is part of the Acobo Financial Group.

Putting the money away you have saved to work, through safe investments that will give you the possibility of generating returns over time, is one of the best pieces of advice.

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Though that advice is not for this Marchamo cycle, it is good advice to start planning for next year, which most likely will not have the same discount on the property tax portion of the Marchamo, as it is this year.

It should always be considered that savings have two primary objectives: the first, to create a protection fund in case of facing an unexpected event and, the second, to generate investment, since after accumulating savings for a time, it is possible to invest it and obtain better returns, according to the objectives that can be short, medium or long term.

“Paying the seal in one year is synonymous with having clear goals. This way the person will have a reason to save and invest. Having a goal in mind motivates you to save consistently. A key change is turning savings into a fixed monthly expense. It is seeing that savings as if it were a bill that you must pay monthly,” León explained.

How much is your Marchamo this year? Click here.

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