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Costa Rica’s Scorcher: A Record-Breaking November to Remember

November 2023 in Costa Rica wasn’t just another month; it was a record-shattering scorcher, officially the hottest November since 1940. This extraordinary heat wave, as reported by the Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN), wasn’t just a fluke but a sign of changing times.

The Heat is On: November’s Unprecedented Temperatures

Luis Alvarado, a renowned climatology expert, shared some startling figures. The mercury soared more than 1.0 °C above the norm. While Costa Rica has been experiencing warmer-than-usual conditions since May, November 2023 took the proverbial (and literal) cake.

“Imagine a heatwave so relentless that even the sun seems to need a sunhat,” Alvarado joked. But the situation is no laughing matter. The European observatory Copernicus chimed in, declaring November 2023 the warmest November on record globally.

The Culprits: El Niño, Climate Change, and Warm Seas

The experts point fingers at the usual suspects: the El Niño phenomenon, climate change, and a rise in temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. “It’s like the planet decided to crank up its thermostat,” noted Alvarado. The Caribbean Sea, in particular, has been simmering at 1.5 degrees Celsius above normal since October.

A Surprising Twist: Guanacaste’s Rain Surplus

In an odd twist, Guanacaste, a province known for its dryness, recorded a rainfall surplus of 88%. “That’s like finding an ice cream truck in the middle of the desert,” Alvarado mused. This unexpected turn of events was attributed to the unusual warming of Caribbean waters.

What’s Ahead: A Toasty Forecast

Looking ahead, the experts predict that over the next three months, Costa Rica will continue to experience temperatures 1 to 2 degrees higher than usual. The Central Pacific, North Pacific, and Central Valley regions are bracing for the most significant increases.

The Bigger Picture: A Wake-Up Call?

This record-breaking November serves as a wake-up call. With each passing month in 2023 setting new warmth records, it’s clear that Costa Rica, like the rest of the world, is feeling the heat of climate change.

Adapting to a Hotter Future

As Costa Ricans fan themselves in the unprecedented heat, the question on everyone’s mind is, “What’s next?” The answer lies in understanding these climatic changes and adapting to our increasingly warmer world. It’s not just about keeping cool; it’s about changing the way we live to ensure a sustainable future.

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