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Costa Rica’s Christmas Extravaganza: A Dazzling Light Show at the Children’s Museum

In Costa Rica, Christmas doesn’t just sneak in; it arrives with a dazzling spectacle at the Children’s Museum in San Jose. This event is so magnetic that families, equipped with the patience of saints and the determination of early birds, began congregating around 8 am for a 4 pm start. Talk about dedication to getting the best seat in the house!

A Festive Prelude: Dances, Carols, and Anticipation

The festivities kicked off with a flurry of dances and a parade of characters that could give the North Pole a run for its money. Christmas carols filled the air, adding to the already festive atmosphere. As daylight began to wane, the suspense thickened – everyone was on tenterhooks waiting for the lights. But the characters weren’t quite ready to flip the switch; they had a historical adventure up their sleeves.

A Journey Through Time: Dinosaurs, History, and Dreams

The audience was treated to a time-traveling escapade where 80 artists whisked them away to different eras, from the age of dinosaurs to significant milestones like 1994 – a year that saw the transformation of an old penitentiary into the museum they were now celebrating. They even composed a song about how dreams of future careers can be sparked by a museum visit. Who knew history lessons could be this entertaining?

The Main Event: Countdown to a Light Spectacular

Finally, the moment everyone had been waiting for arrived. At 7:55 pm, the countdown began. When it hit “zero,” the sky erupted in fireworks, and the museum lit up with over 4,000 lightbulbs, turning the night into day. This wasn’t just a light show; it was a luminous declaration that Christmas had officially arrived in Costa Rica.

Safety First: A Well-Oiled Machine of Security and Care

The event’s success wasn’t just about lights and songs; it was also thanks to the small army of security and safety personnel. Picture 100 Public Force officers, 30 Municipal Police officers, 14 Transit Police officers, and 40 private security agents, all orchestrating a safe passage for the families. And let’s not forget the 20 Red Cross workers with five ambulances at the ready, because you never know when too much Christmas cheer might require medical intervention.

The lighting of the Children’s Museum in San Jose is more than just an event; it’s a spectacle of joy, a community gathering, and a masterclass in event organization and public safety. It’s a reminder that in Costa Rica, Christmas is not just a season; it’s a grand, jubilant production that starts with a light show to remember. So, if you missed it this year, mark your calendars for the next, because this is one festive party you don’t want to miss!

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